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周朴. 高平均功率光纤激光技术基础:模式[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 060201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180087
引用本文: 周朴. 高平均功率光纤激光技术基础:模式[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2018, 30: 060201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180087
Zhou Pu. Fundamentals of high-average-power fiber laser technology: Mode[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 060201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180087
Citation: Zhou Pu. Fundamentals of high-average-power fiber laser technology: Mode[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2018, 30: 060201. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180087


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB201830.180087

全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项 201329

霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师基金资助项目 151062


    周朴(1984—), 男,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事光纤激光与光束合成技术研究;zhoupu203@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O438

Fundamentals of high-average-power fiber laser technology: Mode

  • 摘要: 从具有不同模式特性的光纤激光研究现状出发,指出模式是光纤激光特性的核心参数之一。通过算例给出模式与光束质量之间的关系,引出模式分解技术是准确知晓模式组分和光束质量的关键,介绍常见的模式分解技术。针对模式不稳定效应这一限制光纤激光功率提升的新现象,归纳总结了不同因素对模式不稳定效应产生阈值的影响,梳理了提高阈值的物理原理和实现方法。从高阶模抑制、特定高阶模式和结构光场输出等三个方面介绍了光纤激光模式控制的最新进展。
  • 图  1  不同V值下不同本征模式的M2因子[11]

    Figure  1.  The M2 factor of different eigenmode in case of different V number[11]

    图  2  不同LP11e模比例α以及不同LP11e模与LP01模的相位差ψ下LP01与LP11e相干叠加光束的M2因子[11]

    Figure  2.  The M2 factor of the beam coherently combined by LP01 mode and LP11e mode in case of different mode weight α and relative phase difference ψ [11]

    图  3  成像法实验结构示意图

    Figure  3.  Experimental setup for imaging method

    图  4  直接测量法实验结构示意图

    Figure  4.  Experimental setup for direct measuring method

    图  5  改进型阶跃折射率光纤示意图

    Figure  5.  Illumination of improved step-index fiber

    图  6  全新机制光纤示意图

    Figure  6.  Schematic dravings of fibers based on new mechanisms

    图  7  基于光纤激光的结构光场产生

    Figure  7.  Structured light field generation based on fiber laser

    图  8  基于光纤放大器的结构光场产生

    Figure  8.  Structured light field generation based on fiber amplifier

    图  9  可定制光场输出的光纤激光器[147]

    Figure  9.  Fiber Laser with on-demand output property[147]

    表  1  公开报道的具有代表性的单模和多模光纤激光器的特性参数

    Table  1.   Characteristic parameters of representative single-mode and multi-mode fiber lasers

    output power/kW M2 beam parameter product(BPP) references 备注
    single-mode laser 9.6 ~1.2 [4] for the diffraction limited beam in 1 μm wavelength band,M2 = 1,BPP=0.33 mm·mrad [6]
    single-mode laser 10 <1.5 [5]
    multi-mode laser 20 15 15 mm·mrad [6]
    multi-mode laser 50 30 10 mm·mrad [6]
    multi-mode laser 100 16 mm·mrad [7]
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    表  2  模式不稳定阈值的影响因素

    Table  2.   Factors of influencing mode instability(MI) threshold

    first level second level third level conclusions references
    optical fiber fiber core/cladding diameter lower core-cladding ratio, higher MI threshold [45-47]
    numerical aperture of fiber core numerical aperture decreases, MI threshold increases [48-49]
    fiber doping doping concentration independent of longitudinal distribution of doping concentration [50]
    doping radius partially doped area decreases and MI threshold increases [51-54]
    photodarkening photodarkening increased, MI threshold decreases [55-58]
    characteristics of polarization maintaining MI threshold is irrelevant with polarization maintaining; polarization control causes amplitude modulation, which is relevant [59-62]
    fiber material optimization of fiber materials can improve the MI threshold [63-65]
    system signal light power of signal light increasing the signal light power can improve the MI threshold. [66-67]
    signal noise relative intensity noise increases,MI threshold decreases [45]
    initial high-order mode ratio initial high-order mode components increases,MI threshold decreases [51, 68]
    wavelength of signal light MI threshold is related to the signal light wavelength [69-72]
    linewidth of signal light MI threshold is affected by relatively wide linewidth [42, 73-74]
    amplitude modulation of signal light suppressing signal amplitude modulation helps increasing MI threshold [61-62]
    cooling capacity MI threshold is independent of symmetric cooling [43, 62]
    pump source pump wavelength reducing pump absorption cross section can increase MI threshold [75]
    hybrid pump increasing the wavelength component deviating absorpting peak can increase MI threshold [43]
    pump modulation suppression of pump power/spectrum modulation can increase MI threshold [61]
    pump modes pump direction bidirectional pump and backward pump can increase MI threshold [43, 76-77]
    side pump multi-point side pumping can increase MI threshold [43, 77]
    higher-order mode loss increasing higher-order mode loss can increase MI threshold [55, 78-81]
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    表  3  提高模式不稳定阈值的技术手段

    Table  3.   Technical measures to increase the mode instability threshold

    physical mechanism implementation method technical measure notes references
    increase high-order mode loss increase high-order mode bending loss reduce bending radius bending can lead to changes in the area of the optical fiber module
    reduce numerical aperture of fiber core [49, 82]
    reduce core diameter small fiber core is easy to stimulate Raman scattering and other effects
    optimize fiber coiling [83]
    increase signal wavelength increasing the wavelength of signal light will lead to increase of quantum loss
    optimize optical fiber design gain-cut fiber fiber bending easily leads to more overlap of higher-order modes with doped regions [84]
    large air hole spacing fiber increase the threshold by 3 times [36]
    distributed mode filter fiber increase the threshold by 1.5 times [56]
    chirp coupled core fiber increase the threshold by 2 times [85-86]
    all-solid photonic band gap fiber [87-88]
    conical fiber [89]
    increase gain saturation reduce the core cladding ratio absorption coefficient decreases, long fibers are required, and nonlinear effects are common [47]
    change the wavelength of the semiconductor pump absorption coefficient decreases, long fibers are required, and nonlinear effects are common
    change the pump light injection direction for large-core fiber, the effect is limited [76, 90]
    increase injection signal power the stimulated Raman scattering threshold decreases [56, 91-92]
    change signal wavelength unconventional bands need to effectively inhibit ASE [72, 93-95]
    reduce quantum loss in-band pumping absorption coefficient decreases, long fibers are required, and nonlinear effects are common
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