高功率微波器件在雷达、电子对抗等方面具有重要的应用潜力,因此得到广泛的关注。然而,庞大的体积和重量,以及较低的效率和较短的寿命,严重限制了高功率微波的应用范围。提出了一种径向电子注驱动的同轴槽振荡器,该振荡器无需聚焦系统,从而能够大幅度减少体积和耗能。采用由外向内的径向电子注,阴极电流密度低,可以采用热阴极替代爆炸发射阴极,从而提高器件寿命。PIC仿真中,采用460 kV,6 kA径向电子注能够在3.8 GHz产生1.2 GW的输出,对应效率43.5%。
Abstract:High power microwave devices are investigated extensively, because of their potential applications, such as advanced radars, electromagnetic warfare systems. However, low efficiency, enormous volume, huge weight and short lifetime limit their applications. In this paper, a coaxial grating slow wave structure backward wave oscillator (BWO) driven by radial beam is proposed. The focusing system is eliminated in the particle in cell simulation, which can reduce the volume and the power loss in practice. The lifetime of the BWO can also be improved with the thermionic radial beam cathode instead of the explosive emission cathode. After optimization, the BWO driven by 460 kV, 6 kA radial beam can produce 1.2 GW at frequency 3.8 GHz, with the efficiency of 43.5%.
Key words:
- radial electron beam /
- back wave oscillator /
- high power microwave
Table 1. Parameters for the PIC simulation
voltage of
the sheet
U/kVcurrent of
the sheet
of the
of the
BWO, H/mmouter radius
of the
BWO, Rout/mminner radius
of the
Rin/mmradius of
the first
grating, R1/mmradius of
the second
grating, R2/mmradius of
the third
grating, R3/mmradius of
the fourth
grating, R4/mmradius of
the fifth
grating, R5/mmdepth of
D/mm460 6 5 0 30 180 60 166 140 115 100 75 12.5 Table 2. Parameters of the radial beam gun
voltage of the cathode, Uc/kV voltage of the focus, Uf/kV voltage of the anode, Ua/V thickness of the cathode, Tc/mm radius of the cathode, Rc/mm thickness of the focus, Tf/mm inner radius of the focus, Rf/mm radius of the anode, Ra/mm −460 −460 0 17 209 23 197 180 Table 3. Parameters of the Vlasov antenna
length of the transition, Zt/mm radius of the terminal, Rt/mm length of the antenna, La/mm corner cut of the antenna Cc/(°) −150 110 450 45 -
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