Development of readout electronics system for main detector of CSNS multi-function reflectance spectrometer
摘要: 为满足中国散裂中子源(CSNS)多功能反射谱仪(MR)主探测器高气压3He多丝正比室探测器(MWPC)的需求,研制了专用的读出电子学系统。该系统主要由核心前放板和触发扇出板构成,其中以前放板为核心,采用了6块前放板实现探测器142路模拟信号的数字化,并通过判选机制甄别中子信息,将有效中子事例打包发送给后端,触发扇出板提供同一时刻到达的T0信号和触发信号,以确保数据的对齐。读出电子学系统分别在实验室和束流条件下,进行了相关指标测试,测试结果表明性能优于设计要求。目前MWPC探测器已经成功安装到MR谱仪现场,并且已经开始稳定运行。Abstract: A special readout electronic system was developed to meet the needs of the 3He multiwire proportional chamber detector (MWPC) of multi-functional reflectance spectrometer (MR) of China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) . The system is mainly composed of core preamplifier board and trigger fan out board. Six preamplifier boards are used to digitize 142 analog signals of the detector. The neutron information is screened through the discrimination mechanism, and the effective neutron cases are packaged and sent to the back end. The trigger fan out board provides the T0 signal and trigger signal arriving at the same time to ensure the alignment of data. The readout electronics system has been tested in laboratory and beam conditions respectively. The test results show that the performance is better than the design requirements. At present, the MWPC detector has been successfully installed in the field of MR spectrometer, and has begun to operate stably.
表 1 信号输入值
Table 1. Value of input signal
No. input/mV No. input/mV 1 5 9 80 2 10 10 90 3 20 11 100 4 30 12 120 5 40 13 140 6 50 14 160 7 60 15 180 8 70 16 200 -
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