Review of wavefront sensing technology in adaptive optics based on deep learning
Abstract:Wavefront sensing is an important part of adaptive optics system, which plays a key role in the fields of ground-based telescopes, laser transmission in atmosphere, wireless optical communication, laser nuclear fusion, and freeform surface optical measurement etc. Meanwhile, as a general advanced technology, deep learning has made revolutionary progress in many fields such as computer vision, natural language processing and so on. Using deep learning method to improve the wavefront sensor in adaptive optics system to achieve more accurate wavefront detection and adapt to more complex application scenarios is the development trend of adaptive optics, and also a new topic in the field of deep learning. This paper, introduces the application status of deep learning in adaptive optics wavefront sensing in detail. It also analyzes the research characteristics of different types of wavefront sensors, such as phase retrieval wavefront sensor and Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor, and makes a summary at the end.
Key words:
- adaptive optics /
- deep learning /
- wavefront sensing /
- phase retrieval /
- Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
图 3 使用神经网络波前传感器校正MMT两块独立镜面的像差的光路图[19]
Figure 3. Optical path of using wavefront sensor based on ANN to correct the aberration of two independent mirrors of MMT
图 4 一种神经网络波前传感器的网络架构[20]
Figure 4. Architecture of wavefront sensor based on ANN
图 6 (a)是实验验证概念图,(b)是实验实物图[26]
Figure 6. Sketch (a) and physical map (b) of the optical system used in the experiment
图 7 哈特曼波前传感器中的拉长效应。其中r是子孔径到中心的距离,h0是钠层的平均高度,σNA是钠层的厚度,z是天顶角[33]
Figure 7. Elongation of spots in the SHWFS. Here, r is the distance of the subaperture in the SHWFS from the center (as projected on to the primary mirror), h0 is the average altitude of the sodium layer, σNA is the thickness of the sodium layer and z is the zenith angle
图 8 基于神经网络SHNN对哈特曼传感器在强光干扰下进行质心探测的实验结果[42]
Figure 8. Experimental result of centroid computation for Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor in extreme situations based on the SHNN
图 10 全连接卡门示意图[47]
Figure 10. CARMEN with MLP
图 11 卷积卡门的网络拓扑结构示意图[55]
Figure 11. Example of the topology of CARMEN with CNN
图 12 ISNet的网络结构图[59]
Figure 12. ISNet architecture
图 13 SH-Net、LSHWS、Swanson的网络、模式法以及区域法的仿真测试统计结果,每种不同的相位屏都包含100个数据[60]
Figure 13. Statistical results of the RMS wavefront error of five methods in wavefront detection. Each kind of phase screen contains 100 datasets
图 14 CS-WFS的物理过程和计算流程图[62]
Figure 14. Physical process and flow chart of the CS-WFS method
表 1 实验结果
Table 1. Results of experiments
Methods Performances CEE/pixel False Rate PV/um RMS/um TCoG 4.5958 95.31% 2.6593 0.5349 SHNN-50 0.5250 1.17% 0.3107 0.0651 -
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