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刘必达 黄智蒙 张帆 夏汉定 周丹丹 李剑彬 郑钧文 张锐 李平 彭志涛 朱启华 胡东霞

刘必达, 黄智蒙, 张帆, 等. 光纤啁啾脉冲时域相干合成技术研究新进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 111001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230308
引用本文: 刘必达, 黄智蒙, 张帆, 等. 光纤啁啾脉冲时域相干合成技术研究新进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 111001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230308
Liu Bida, Huang Zhimeng, Zhang Fan, et al. Recent progress of temporal coherent combination of chirped pulses in fiber lasers[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 111001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230308
Citation: Liu Bida, Huang Zhimeng, Zhang Fan, et al. Recent progress of temporal coherent combination of chirped pulses in fiber lasers[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 111001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230308


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230308
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(62075201)




  • 中图分类号: TN248

Recent progress of temporal coherent combination of chirped pulses in fiber lasers

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  脉冲分割-放大技术的原理与实验图[67]

    Figure  1.  Schematic of principle and experiment of DPA[67]

    图  2  EDPA系统原理图[47]

    Figure  2.  Principle of EDPA system[47]

    图  3  用于四个分割脉冲时域合成的EDPA系统示意图[47]

    Figure  3.  Schematic illustration of the EDPA setup used for the combination of four temporally separated pulses[47]

    图  4  基于EDPA的128脉冲时域相干合成系统实验结果[59]

    Figure  4.  Experimental results of temporal combination system of 128 pulse replicas based on EDPA setup[59]

    图  5  基于EDPA的时域与空域相干合成系统实验结果[65]

    Figure  5.  Experimental results of spatiotemporal combination system based on EDPA set up[65]

    图  6  基于EDPA的32 mJ时域与空域相干合成系统实验结果[66]

    Figure  6.  Experimental results of spatiotemporal combination system with a pulse energy of 32 mJ based on EDPA setup[66]

    图  7  堆积与倒空增强腔[49]

    Figure  7.  Stack and dump enhancement cavity[49]

    图  8  调制盘示意图[49]

    Figure  8.  Schematic of a chopper-wheel[49]

    图  9  SnD增强腔及其实验结果[60]

    Figure  9.  Set up of SnD enhancement cavity and its experimental results[60]

    图  10  行波GTI腔中的脉冲相干堆积[48]

    Figure  10.  Coherent pulse stacking in a traveling-wave Gires-Tournois interferometer[48]

    图  11  级联GTI腔 [48]

    Figure  11.  Cascaded GTI cavities[48]

    图  12  4+1 GTI腔中的27个脉冲相干堆积[62]

    Figure  12.  Coherent pulse stacking of 27 pulses in a 4+1 GTI resonator sequence[62]

    图  13  4+4 GTI腔中的81个脉冲相干堆积 [63]

    Figure  13.  Coherent pulse stacking of 81 pulses in a 4+4 GTI resonator sequence[63]

    图  14  4+4 GTI腔中的81个脉冲相干堆积模拟与实验结果[63]

    Figure  14.  Simulation and experimental result of coherent pulse dtacking of 81 pulses in a 4+4 GTI resonator sequence[63]

    图  15  4+4 GTI腔中的81个脉冲高效相干堆积实验结果[70]

    Figure  15.  Experimental result of efficient coherent pulse stacking of 81 pulses in a 4+4 GTI resonator sequence[70]

    图  16  基于深度复现神经网络的脉冲相干堆积原理[72]

    Figure  16.  Principle of coherent pulse stacking based on deep recurrent neural network[72]

    图  17  基于深度复现神经网络的脉冲相干堆积实验结果[72]

    Figure  17.  Experimental results of the coherent pulse stacking based on deep recurrent neural network[72]

    图  18  基于强化学习算法的DPA时域相干合成原理[73]

    Figure  18.  Principle of temporal coherent combination in DPA based on RL controller[73]

    图  19  基于SAC-SPGDM算法的DPA时域相干合成原理与算法流程[74]

    Figure  19.  Principle of temporal coherent combination in DPA based on SAC-SPGDM and the procedure of algorithm[74]

    图  20  延迟线-脉冲时域相干合成中各种控制算法比较[74]

    Figure  20.  Comparison of control algorithms in DL-CPS[74]

    图  21  基于4+4 GTI腔的脉冲相干堆积参数容差的理论模拟。脉冲对比度随腔相位、脉冲相位以及脉冲强度扰动的增大而下降[70]

    Figure  21.  Simulations illustrating the tolerances of the coherent pulse stacking parameters for 4+4 GTIs. Achievable pre-pulse contrast degrades in the presence of cavity phase errors, pulse phase errors, or pulse intensity errors[70]

    表  1  超短脉冲DPA代表性研究结果

    Table  1.   Representative results of DPA of ultra-short pulsed lasers

    year institution technical solution results
    2017 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität,
    Jena, Germany
    EDPA, free space delay lines N=4, tp=190 ps, fRR=135 kHz, J=3.4 μJ, η=82.7%;
    N=8, tp=190 ps, fRR=1075 kHz, η=76.8%[47]
    2019 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität,
    Jena, Germany
    EDPA+active CBC,
    free space delay lines
    N×M=8×12, tp=235 fs, Pave=674 W, fRR=25 kHz, J= 23 mJ,
    ηcomb = 71%, ηtemp=85%, ηsys=56%[65]
    2020 Peking University, China EDPA, free space delay lines N=128, fRR=200 kHz, η=35%[59]
    2023 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität,
    Jena, Germany
    EDPA+active CBC,
    free space delay lines
    N×M=8×16, tp=158 fs, Pave=703 W, fRR=20 kHz, J= 32 mJ,
    ηcomb = 86%, ηtemp=90%,ηsys=77%[66]
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    表  2  超短脉冲CPS代表性研究结果

    Table  2.   Representative results of CPS of ultra-short pulsed lasers

    year institution technical solution results
    2015 University of Michigan, USA Gires-Tournois interferometers N=5, tp=700 fs, fRR=10 kHz, J=μJ level, η= 97.4%[48]
    2016 University of Michigan, USA 4+1 Gires-Tournois interferometers N=27, tp=330 fs, η=50%[62]
    2017 University of Michigan, USA 4+4 Gires-Tournois interferometers N=81, tp=300 fs, fRR=1 kHz, J=multi-mJ, η=35%[63]
    2018 Tsinghua University 2+1 Gires-Tournois interferometers N=15, tp=10 ps, fRR=98 kHz, η= 76%[69]
    2021 University of Michigan, USA 4+4 Gires-Tournois interferometers N=81, tp=1 ns, J=4μJ, η=70.5%[70]
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