Preparation and luminescence performance of phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material for laser illumination
摘要: 通过溶胶-凝胶法成功制备了Tb3Al5O12 (TAG) 荧光粉。热分析数据证实,增加H3BO3摩尔比会导致最终相的转变温度降低。同时,通过扫描电镜观察到,H3BO3摩尔比的提高会导致荧光粉颗粒尺寸增大。在激发波长为275 nm的条件下,发射光谱在480~650 nm范围内出现了由Tb3+的5d→4f跃迁产生的多个发射峰。然后通过物理掺杂和超临界干燥工艺成功制备了荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料。与荧光粉相比,荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料的内量子产率显著增加,可达63.64%。采用波长为355 nm的激光源激发荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料,可实现长距离无导线方式发光,并具有良好均匀性。以上结果证明了荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料在激光应急照明领域具有潜在的应用前景。
- 溶胶-凝胶法 /
- TAG荧光粉 /
- 荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料 /
- 内量子产率 /
- 激光源激发
Abstract: The preparation of Tb3Al5O12 (TAG) phosphors was fabricated by the sol-gel method. Thermal analysis data confirm that an increase in the H3BO3 molar ratio correlates with a reduction in the transition temperature of the final phase. Concurrently, scanning electron microscopy revealed that an elevated H3BO3 molar ratio results in larger phosphor particle sizes. Under the excitation wavelength of 275 nm, the emission spectrum manifests multiple peaks within the 480-650 nm range, originating from the 5d→4f transitions of Tb3+ ions. Subsequently, the phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material was successfully synthesized through a combination of physical doping and a supercritical drying process. This composite luminescent material exhibited a substantial increase in the internal quantum yield, reaching 63.64% compared to the standalone phosphor. Excited by a 355 nm laser source, the phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material demonstrated the capability for wire-free, long-distance luminescence with commendable uniformity. These findings demonstrate the potential application prospects of the phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material in the domain of laser emergency lighting. -
表 1 前驱体的试剂摩尔比
Table 1. Molar ratio of the precursor reagents
sample molar ratio of Tb4O7, Al(NO3)3·9H2O and H3BO3 LB-1 3:20.0:0 LB-2 3:19.6:0.40 LB-3 3:18.8:1.20 LB-4 3:18.0:2.00 LB-5 3:17.2:2.80 LB-6 3:16.8:3.20 HB-1 3:20.0:23.0 HB-2 3:20.0:32.2 HB-3 3:20.0:36.8 HB-4 3:20.0:46.0 表 2 SiO2气凝胶与荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料样品编号
Table 2. SiO2 aerogel and phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material samples
sample C/% SA-0 0 SA-1 15 SA-2 20 表 3 低H3BO3摩尔比体系样品的XRD图谱进行精修后所获得的晶胞参数
Table 3. Cellular parameters obtained after refinement of XRD patterns of samples from the low H3BO3 molar ratio system
sample a/nm b/nm c/nm V/nm3 LB-1 1.208526 1.208526 1.208526 1.76509 LB-2 1.208450 1.208450 1.208450 1.76476 LB-3 1.208303 1.208303 1.208303 1.76412 LB-4 1.208256 1.208256 1.208256 1.76391 LB-5 1.208259 1.208259 1.208259 1.76392 LB-6 1.208254 1.208254 1.208254 1.76390 表 4 HB-4、SA-0、SA-1和SA-2样品的性能参数
Table 4. Performance parameters of HB-4, SA-0, SA-1 and SA-2 samples
sample Y/% specific surface area/(m2·g−1) HB-4 53.61 − SA-0 − 577.76 SA-1 63.64 482.24 SA-2 23.07 441.38 -
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