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冯杰 高燕 朱家艺 毕于铁 任洪波

冯杰, 高燕, 朱家艺, 等. 用于激光照明的荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料的制备与发光性能研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 061007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240010
引用本文: 冯杰, 高燕, 朱家艺, 等. 用于激光照明的荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料的制备与发光性能研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 061007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240010
Feng Jie, Gao Yan, Zhu Jiayi, et al. Preparation and luminescence performance of phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material for laser illumination[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 061007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240010
Citation: Feng Jie, Gao Yan, Zhu Jiayi, et al. Preparation and luminescence performance of phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material for laser illumination[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 061007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240010


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.240010
基金项目: 环境友好能源材料国家重点实验室自主基金项目(21fksy28);反应堆燃料与材料重点实验室基金项目(STRFML-2021-02、STRFML-2021-10)

    冯 杰,1063720625@qq.com



  • 中图分类号: O469

Preparation and luminescence performance of phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material for laser illumination

  • 摘要: 通过溶胶-凝胶法成功制备了Tb3Al5O12 (TAG) 荧光粉。热分析数据证实,增加H3BO3摩尔比会导致最终相的转变温度降低。同时,通过扫描电镜观察到,H3BO3摩尔比的提高会导致荧光粉颗粒尺寸增大。在激发波长为275 nm的条件下,发射光谱在480~650 nm范围内出现了由Tb3+的5d→4f跃迁产生的多个发射峰。然后通过物理掺杂和超临界干燥工艺成功制备了荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料。与荧光粉相比,荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料的内量子产率显著增加,可达63.64%。采用波长为355 nm的激光源激发荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料,可实现长距离无导线方式发光,并具有良好均匀性。以上结果证明了荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料在激光应急照明领域具有潜在的应用前景。
  • 图  1  不同H3BO3摩尔比前驱体粉末的TG-DSC曲线

    Figure  1.  TG-DSC curves of precursor powders with different molar ratio

    图  2  LB-1、LB-2、LB-4、LB-6、HB-2样品的红外光谱

    Figure  2.  Infrared spectra of LB-1, LB-2, LB-4, LB-6, HB-2 samples

    图  3  不同H3BO3摩尔比样品的XRD图谱

    Figure  3.  XRD patterns of samples with different H3BO3 molar ratio

    图  4  LB-1、LB-3和LB-6样品的SEM图

    Figure  4.  SEM images of LB-1, LB-3 and LB-6 samples

    图  5  室温下LB-1样品的紫外吸收光谱

    Figure  5.  UV absorption spectrum of LB-1 sample at room temperature

    图  6  低H3BO3摩尔比体系下样品的发射光谱 (λex=275 nm)

    Figure  6.  Emission spectra of samples in the system with low H3BO3 molar ratio (λex=275 nm)

    图  7  高H3BO3摩尔比体系下样品的发射光谱(λex = 275 nm)

    Figure  7.  Emission spectra of samples in the system with high H3BO3 molar ratio (λex = 275 nm)

    图  8  不同激发条件下的SA-1样品及其色坐标图

    Figure  8.  SA-1 samples under different excitation conditions and color coordinate plot

    图  9  SA-1样品的内量子产率图

    Figure  9.  Internal quantum yield plot for SA-1 samples

    表  1  前驱体的试剂摩尔比

    Table  1.   Molar ratio of the precursor reagents

    sample molar ratio of Tb4O7, Al(NO3)3·9H2O and H3BO3
    LB-1 3:20.0:0
    LB-2 3:19.6:0.40
    LB-3 3:18.8:1.20
    LB-4 3:18.0:2.00
    LB-5 3:17.2:2.80
    LB-6 3:16.8:3.20
    HB-1 3:20.0:23.0
    HB-2 3:20.0:32.2
    HB-3 3:20.0:36.8
    HB-4 3:20.0:46.0
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    表  2  SiO2气凝胶与荧光粉@SiO2气凝胶复合发光材料样品编号

    Table  2.   SiO2 aerogel and phosphor@SiO2 aerogel composite luminescent material samples

    sample C/%
    SA-0 0
    SA-1 15
    SA-2 20
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    表  3  低H3BO3摩尔比体系样品的XRD图谱进行精修后所获得的晶胞参数

    Table  3.   Cellular parameters obtained after refinement of XRD patterns of samples from the low H3BO3 molar ratio system

    sample a/nm b/nm c/nm V/nm3
    LB-1 1.208526 1.208526 1.208526 1.76509
    LB-2 1.208450 1.208450 1.208450 1.76476
    LB-3 1.208303 1.208303 1.208303 1.76412
    LB-4 1.208256 1.208256 1.208256 1.76391
    LB-5 1.208259 1.208259 1.208259 1.76392
    LB-6 1.208254 1.208254 1.208254 1.76390
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    表  4  HB-4、SA-0、SA-1和SA-2样品的性能参数

    Table  4.   Performance parameters of HB-4, SA-0, SA-1 and SA-2 samples

    sample Y/% specific surface area/(m2·g−1)
    HB-4 53.61
    SA-0 577.76
    SA-1 63.64 482.24
    SA-2 23.07 441.38
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