Research on optimization of MW level neutral beam injection arc power supply system
摘要: 中性束注入弧电源的性能严重影响弧放电的稳定性和中性束加热的效率。HL-2A装置弧电源采用基于晶闸管相控调压和12脉波不控整流的线性电源技术;HL-2M测试束线弧电源采用基于超级电容和IGBT全控整流的开关电源技术。为了优化电源系统性能、改进弧放电稳定性,研究了采样频率对弧放电稳定性的影响。通过对两套电源控制系统进行建模,利用MATLAB仿真了不同采样频率下HL-2M弧流电源控制系统的阶跃响应性能和HL-2A的控制系统性能,分析了采样频率对系统性能的影响。利用离子源测试平台进行不同采样频率下的弧放电实验对仿真结果进行验证,实验结果与仿真结果一致。实验结果验证:采样频率对弧放电稳定性有很大影响,在频率可调范围内,增大采样频率,可以提高控制系统性能,优化弧放电稳定性;HL-2A弧放电不稳定的原因是晶闸管导通特性和滤波电路引起的。Abstract: The performance of the neutral beam injection arc power supply seriously affects the stability of the arc discharge and the efficiency of the neutral beam heating. HL-2A device arc power supply adopts linear power supply technology based on thyristor phase-controlled voltage regulation and 12-pulse uncontrolled rectification; HL-2M test beam line device arc power supply adopts switching power supply technology based on super capacitor and IGBT full-controlled rectification. To optimize the performance of the power system, improve the arc discharge stability, the influence of sampling frequency on the stability of arc discharge is studied. By modeling the HL-2A and HL-2M power supply control systems, MATLAB is used to simulate the step response performance of the HL-2M arc current power supply control system and the HL-2A control system performance under different sampling frequencies, and analyze the impact of the sampling frequency on the system performance. Then, the ion source test platform is used to conduct arc discharge experiments at different sampling frequencies to verify the simulation results, and the experimental results are consistent with the simulation results. It is verified by experiments that the sampling frequency has great influence on the stability of arc discharge, while in the frequency adjustable range, increasing the sampling frequency can improve the performance of the control system and optimize the stability of arc discharge; the reason for the unstable arc discharge of HL-2A is the conduction characteristics of the thyristor and the filter circuit.
Key words:
- neutral beam injection /
- HL-2A /
- HL-2M /
- arc power supply /
- control system /
- sampling frequency
表 1 不同频率下弧电源各项参数对比
Table 1. Comparison of various parameters of arc power supply at different frequencies
sampling frequency/kHz actual holing time/ms rise time/ms adjust time/ms current overshoot/A current ripple/A 0.3 11.9 6.9 14.7 59.7 46.8 10 6.2 1.3 6.1 60.8 29.2 100 5.4 0.25 1.0 52.8 29.5 -
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