Analysis of lightning overvoltages at the junction of distribution network based on electromagnetic topology
摘要: 将适用于复杂系统各个节点电磁响应同步求解的电磁拓扑方法引入到配电网络雷电过电压问题的分析中。首先,给出了传输线网络的BLT方程及其元素构建方法;然后,通过一个复杂的配电网络对电磁拓扑的分析流程进行了详细说明,并重点展示了理想节点散射矩阵的求解步骤。结果表明:电磁拓扑方法可以应用在配电网络节点雷电过电压的分析中,其计算结果与CST的结果非常吻合,且耗时远远低于CST。Abstract: The analysis of the lightning overvoltages of the distribution network is related to safe and reliable power supply of the power system, which needs to be paid attention to. However, the structure of the distribution network is complex, and an effective analysis is difficult to achieve through the use of classic transmission line equations. Therefore, in this paper, the electromagnetic topology method, which is suitable for the synchronous solution of the electromagnetic response at the junctions of the complex system, is introduced into the analysis of the lightning overvoltages in the distribution network. First, the BLT equation suitable for transmission line networks is provided and the construction methods of its elements are shown; then, the analysis process of electromagnetic topology is demonstrated in detail with an example of a complex distribution network, and the solution steps of the scattering matrix of the ideal junction are shown emphatically. The results show that the electromagnetic topology method is applicable to the analysis of the lightning overvoltages at the junction of the distribution network, as the calculation results are quite consistent with the results of CST, and the time consumed is much less than CST.
Key words:
- electromagnetic topology /
- distribution network /
- lightning overvoltages /
- junction /
- scattering matrix
表 1 雷电基电流参数
Table 1. Parameters of lightning-base-current
IL01/kA τ/μs τ/μs n1 IL01/kA τ/μs τ/μs n2 10.7 0.25 2.5 2 6.5 2.1 230 2 -
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