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张彬 田博宇 何婷 张小民

张彬, 田博宇, 何婷, 等. “之字形”光路薄管固体激光大气长程传输光束质量分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210200
引用本文: 张彬, 田博宇, 何婷, 等. “之字形”光路薄管固体激光大气长程传输光束质量分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210200
Zhang Bin, Tian Boyu, He Ting, et al. Beam quality analysis of solid-state zigzag tube lasers for long-distance propagation in atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210200
Citation: Zhang Bin, Tian Boyu, He Ting, et al. Beam quality analysis of solid-state zigzag tube lasers for long-distance propagation in atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 081007. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210200


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210200
基金项目: 四川省科学计划资助项目(2018JY0553);中国科学院自适应光学重点实验室基金(LAOF1801)

    张 彬(1969—),女,博士,教授,从事强激光传输与调控技术研究

  • 中图分类号: TN249

Beam quality analysis of solid-state zigzag tube lasers for long-distance propagation in atmosphere

  • 摘要: “之字形”光路薄管固体激光是一种结构紧凑、增益高且利于发射的新型激光光源。针对薄管固体激光光源及其大气长程传输过程中的光束质量退化问题,提出了基于直角锥面变形镜的薄管激光校正方法,进而通过建立薄管激光校正模型以及大气长程传输模型,开展了薄管激光大气长程传输光束质量分析。首先,针对大遮拦比窄环宽环形光束与发射系统的匹配问题,提供了一种薄管激光环形光束整形变换方案,有效实现了薄管激光的整形和变换。然后,分析了薄管激光光源光束质量、大气湍流效应和热晕效应等对整形变换后的薄管激光大气长程传输特性的影响,进而明确了薄管激光大气长程传输光束质量退化机理。最后,分析了直角锥面变形镜对薄管激光的光源畸变、大气湍流的低频分量和热晕导致的离焦相位等的校正效果。结果表明,经过直角锥面变形镜的校正,薄管激光光源光束质量明显改善,大气长程传输后的远场光束质量有所提高。若进一步配合常规变形镜进行联合校正,薄管激光大气长程传输后的远场光束质量可得到显著提升。
  • 图  1  基于直角锥面变形镜的薄管激光校正方案

    Figure  1.  Schematic illustration of solid-state zigzag tube lasers (SSZTLs) correction based on the right-angle conical deformable mirror (RCDM)

    图  2  薄管激光整形变换系统

    Figure  2.  Schematic illustration of obscuration ratio transformation system

    图  3  扰动介质中光场传输求解流程示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic illustration of beam propagation in perturbated medium

    图  4  变换前后的薄管激光光强分布

    Figure  4.  Intensity distribution of SSZTLs after transformation

    图  5  薄管激光在5 km自由空间中传输后的靶面光场分布:(a)同心度误差Δx=1 μm;(b)平行度误差Δθ=20 μrad;(c)锥度误差Δa=200 μrad;(d)光源平行度误差Δθs=100 μrad;(e)全部误差。

    Figure  5.  Intensity distribution of annular laser beam on target plane after 5 km propagation in free space with (a) concentricity error Δx=1 μm; (b) parallelism error of tube Δθ=20 μrad; (c) taper error Δa=200 μrad; (d) parallelism error of source Δθs=100 μrad; (e) errors。

    图  6  校正前后薄管激光的远场光束质量

    Figure  6.  Beam quality of annular laser beams before and after correction

    图  7  薄管激光在5 km大气湍流中传输后的靶面光场分布:(a)Cn2=1×10−14;(b)Cn2=1×10−15

    Figure  7.  Intensity distribution of annular laser beam on target plane after 5 km propagation in turbulence: (a) Cn2=1×10−14; (b) Cn2=1×10−15.

    图  8  光斑平均半径$ \overline w $和质心漂移Δr随传输距离的变化

    Figure  8.  Variation of $ \overline w $ and Δr of laser beam for different propagation distance

    图  9  高功率薄管激光5 km传输后的靶面光场分布(稳态热晕)

    Figure  9.  Intensity distribution of high-power annular laser beam on target plane after 5 km propagation (steady-state thermal blooming)

    图  10  光斑平均半径$ \overline w $和质心漂移Δr随传输距离的变化(直角锥面变形镜校正)

    Figure  10.  Variation of $ \overline w $ and Δr of laser beam for different propagation distance (with correction by right-angle conical deformable mirror)

    图  11  靶面光斑平均半径$ \overline w $和质心漂移Δr随传输距离的变化(137单元变形镜校正)

    Figure  11.  Variation of $ \overline w $ and Δr of laser beam for different propagation distance (with correction by 137-unit deformable mirror)

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-05-25
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