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蔺淑琴 蔡阳健 余佳益

蔺淑琴, 蔡阳健, 余佳益. 特殊关联结构光束的大气传输研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 081006. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210210
引用本文: 蔺淑琴, 蔡阳健, 余佳益. 特殊关联结构光束的大气传输研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 081006. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210210
Lin Shuqin, Cai Yangjian, Yu Jiayi. Research progress of propagation of beams with special correlation structure in turbulent atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 081006. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210210
Citation: Lin Shuqin, Cai Yangjian, Yu Jiayi. Research progress of propagation of beams with special correlation structure in turbulent atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 081006. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210210


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210210
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFA0705000);国家杰出青年科学基金项目(11525418);国家自然科学基金项目(11947240,11974218,12004218,91750201);济南市创新团队项目(2018GXRC010);中国博士后科学基金项目(2020M680093);山东省自然科学基项目(ZR2020QA067)





  • 中图分类号: TN012

Research progress of propagation of beams with special correlation structure in turbulent atmosphere

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  多高斯关联结构光束在湍流大气中的光强演化图(实线N=1,虚线N=4,点线N=10,点划线N=40)[82]

    Figure  1.  Evolution of the spectral density of the multi-Gaussian Schell-model beams propagating in turbulent atmosphere (solid curve N=1,dashed curve N=4,dotted curve N=10,and dash-dotted curve N=40)[82]

    图  2  多高斯关联结构光束在湍流大气中的归一化质量因子演化图[37]

    Figure  2.  Normalized propagation factor of multi-Gaussian Schell-model beams propagating in turbulent atmosphere[37]

    图  3  厄米特殊关联结构光束在湍流大气中的(a)三维归一化光强和(b)光强比值S(0,z)/Smax(ρ,z)演化图[48]

    Figure  3.  3D-normalized spectral intensity distribution (a) and S(0,z)/Smax(ρ,z) ratio of the spectral intensity (b) of Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beams on propagation in turbulent atmosphere[48]

    图  4  厄米特殊关联结构光束在湍流大气中(a)x方向和(b)y方向上归一化光束质量因子演化图[48]

    Figure  4.  Normalized propagation factors of Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beams in x direction (a) and y direction (b) in turbulent atmosphere[48]

    图  5  厄米特殊关联结构光束在湍流大气中的光束漂移理论和实验结果图[61]

    Figure  5.  Beam wander of Hermite-Gaussian correlated Schell-model beams in turbulent atmosphere in theory and experiment[61]

    图  6  非均匀关联结构光束在自由空间中的光强演化图[95]

    Figure  6.  Evolution of the spectral density of the non-uniformly correlated beams in free space[95]

    图  7  非均匀关联结构光束在湍流大气中的(a)光强闪烁和(b)光强演化图[96]

    Figure  7.  Evolution of the (a) scintillation and (b) spectral density of non-uniformly correlated beams in turbulent atmosphere[96]

    图  8  厄米非均匀关联结构光束在湍流大气中的光强演化图[59]

    Figure  8.  Evolution of the spectral density of the Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams in turbulent atmosphere[59]

    图  9  厄米非均匀关联结构光束在湍流大气中的轴上(a)~(c)光强和光强闪烁(d)~(f)演化图[59]

    Figure  9.  Normalized intensity on-axis (a)~(c) and scintillation on-axis (d)~(f) of Hermite non-uniformly correlated beams in turbulent atmosphere[59]

    图  10  厄米非均匀关联结构阵列光束在湍流大气中光强演化图(a)m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 3 cm;(b)m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(c)m = 2,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(d)m = 2,p =q = 2,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(e)m = 2,p = q = 2,rc= 5 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm[67]

    Figure  10.  Evolution of spectral intensity of Hermite non-uniformly correlated array beams with (a) m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 3 cm;(b) m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(c) m = 2,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(d) m = 2,p =q = 2,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(e) m = 2,p = q = 2,rc= 5 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm in turbulent atmosphere[67]

    图  11  径向偏振厄米非均匀关联结构光束在自由空间中的光强比值和偏振度演化图[98]

    Figure  11.  Evolution of ratio intensity and degree of polarization of radially polarized Hermite non-uniform correlation beams in free space[98]

    图  12  (a)传统径向偏振部分相干光束和径向偏振厄米非均匀关联结构光束不同光束阶数(b)m=0,(c)m=1的在湍流大气中的强度演化图[66]

    Figure  12.  Evolution of spectral intensity of (a) conventional radially polarized partially coherent beams and radially polarized Hermite non-uniform correlation beams with different mode orders (b) m=0 (c) m=1 in turbulent atmosphere[66]

    图  13  径向偏振厄米非均匀关联结构光束在湍流大气中的光强比值演化图[66]

    Figure  13.  Ratio of the spectral intensity of radially polarized Hermite non-uniform correlation beam in turbulence atmosphere[66]

    图  14  径向偏振厄米非均匀关联结构光束完全偏振部分光强强度占比在湍流大气中演化图[66]

    Figure  14.  Percentage of intensity of the completely polarized portion of radially polarized Hermite non-uniform correlation beam in turbulence atmosphere[66]

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