Research progress of propagation of beams with special correlation structure in turbulent atmosphere
Abstract:In recent years, optical fields manipulation has become a hot research topic and optical coherence manipulation can induce many novel physical effects. The laser beams with special correlation structure obtained by coherence control not only exhibit peculiar propagation characteristics, but also can effectively reduce the negative effects induced by atmospheric turbulence, such as intensity degradation, beam wander, scintillation and depolarization. Thus, these beams have applications prospects in free-space optical communications. In this paper, the basic theory of the construction of special correlation structure beams and the research methods as well as their development history are reviewed, and the propagation properties of special correlation structure beams in turbulent atmosphere in recent years are illustrated as examples.
Key words:
- correlation structure /
- coherence /
- atmospheric turbulence /
- propagation properties
图 10 厄米非均匀关联结构阵列光束在湍流大气中光强演化图(a)m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 3 cm;(b)m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(c)m = 2,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(d)m = 2,p =q = 2,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(e)m = 2,p = q = 2,rc= 5 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm[67]
Figure 10. Evolution of spectral intensity of Hermite non-uniformly correlated array beams with (a) m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 3 cm;(b) m = 1,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(c) m = 2,p = q = 1,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(d) m = 2,p =q = 2,rc= 3 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm;(e) m = 2,p = q = 2,rc= 5 cm,x0= y0= 5 cm in turbulent atmosphere[67]
图 12 (a)传统径向偏振部分相干光束和径向偏振厄米非均匀关联结构光束不同光束阶数(b)m=0,(c)m=1的在湍流大气中的强度演化图[66]
Figure 12. Evolution of spectral intensity of (a) conventional radially polarized partially coherent beams and radially polarized Hermite non-uniform correlation beams with different mode orders (b) m=0 (c) m=1 in turbulent atmosphere[66]
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