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季小玲 邓宇

季小玲, 邓宇. 高功率激光在非均匀大气中传输的自聚焦效应研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 081002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210211
引用本文: 季小玲, 邓宇. 高功率激光在非均匀大气中传输的自聚焦效应研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2021, 33: 081002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210211
Ji Xiaoling, Deng Yu. Research progress on self-focusing effect of high-power laser beams propagating in inhomogeneous atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 081002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210211
Citation: Ji Xiaoling, Deng Yu. Research progress on self-focusing effect of high-power laser beams propagating in inhomogeneous atmosphere[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2021, 33: 081002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210211


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202133.210211
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(61775152, 61178070, 61475105)


  • 中图分类号: O437.5

Research progress on self-focusing effect of high-power laser beams propagating in inhomogeneous atmosphere

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  高功率激光上行大气传输示意图[24]

    Figure  1.  Diagram of high-power laser beam propagating upwards in atmosphere[24]

    图  2  公式(4)的验证. 修正束宽wmod在大气传输中随传输距离z的变化曲线. 虚线:公式(4)计算结果;实线:数值计算结果[24]

    Figure  2.  Confirmation of Eq. (4). Modified beam width wmod versus propagation distance z. Dashed curves: by Eq. (4); solid curves: by numerical simulation[24]

    图  3  公式(7)的验证. 靶面束宽随相对发射功率P/PcrGs的变化[25]

    Figure  3.  Confirmation of Eq. (7). Beam width wtar ontarget versus relative power P/PcrGs[25]

    图  4  光束宽度w随传输距离z的变化曲线. 虚线:自由空间中线性传输;实线:大气中非线性传输[23]

    Figure  4.  Beam width w versus the propagation distance z. Dashed lines: linear propagation in free space; Solid lines: nonlinear propagation in the atmosphere[23]

    图  5  相对脉宽T/T0随传输距离z的变化[21]

    Figure  5.  Relative pulse width T/T0 versus propagation distance z[21]

    图  6  环状光束光强分布Ixy=0,z)随海拔高度z的变化[33]

    Figure  6.  Intensity distributions I(x, y = 0, z) versus altitude z[33]

    图  7  靶面上归一化光强I/I0分布[21]

    Figure  7.  Normalized intensity distributions I/I0 on debris target[21]

    图  8  光强轮廓Irz)随传输距离z的变化. 靶面均匀辐照[22]

    Figure  8.  Intensity distribution Ir, z)versus propagation distance z. Uniform irradiation on debris target[22]

    图  9  大气层出口处(a)光强分布Irz)和(b)相位分布Фrz);(c)靶面处相对光强Irz)/Ipeak分布[22]

    Figure  9.  (a) Intensity distribution I(r, z) and (b) phase distribution Ф(r, z) at the exit of the atmosphere, (c) relative intensity distribution I(r, z)/Ipeak on the target[22]

    图  10  地面处不同遮拦比ε的三维光强分布[33]

    Figure  10.  Intensity distributions for different values of obscure ratio ε on ground[33]

    图  11  预散焦前后靶面光强分布对比[21]

    Figure  11.  Comparison of intensity distributions on debris target[21]

    图  12  靶面束宽随透镜焦距F的变化[25]

    Figure  12.  Beam width wtar on target versus focal length F[25]

    图  13  靶面束宽随波长的变化[25]

    Figure  13.  Beam width on target versus wavelength λ[25]

    图  14  最佳波长λopt随lg(C0)和σ0的变化[25]

    Figure  14.  Optimal wavelength λopt versus lg(C0) and σ0[25]

    图  15  相位分布$ \varPhi (x,y,{\textit{z}} ) $[24]

    Figure  15.  Phase distribution $ \varPhi (x,y,{\textit{z}} ) $[24]

    图  16  不同位置z处光强分布Ixyz[24]

    Figure  16.  Intensity distribution I(x, y, z) at different propagation distance z[24]

    图  17  相位补偿后,不同位置z处光强分布Ixyz[24]

    Figure  17.  With PC, intensity distribution I(x, y, z) at different propagation distance z[24]

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