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大功率780 nm单管连续输出16 W和巴条连续输出180 W半导体激光器

李弋 王浩淼 张亮 贺钰雯 周坤 杜维川 何林安 胡耀 武德勇 高松信 唐淳

李弋, 王浩淼, 张亮, 等. 大功率780 nm单管连续输出16 W和巴条连续输出180 W半导体激光器[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 111002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230073
引用本文: 李弋, 王浩淼, 张亮, 等. 大功率780 nm单管连续输出16 W和巴条连续输出180 W半导体激光器[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 111002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230073
Li Yi, Wang Haomiao, Zhang Liang, et al. High power semiconductor lasers with output power over 16 W for single emitter and 180 W for bar operation at 780 nm under CW operation[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 111002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230073
Citation: Li Yi, Wang Haomiao, Zhang Liang, et al. High power semiconductor lasers with output power over 16 W for single emitter and 180 W for bar operation at 780 nm under CW operation[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 111002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230073

大功率780 nm单管连续输出16 W和巴条连续输出180 W半导体激光器

doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230073

    李 弋,njuliyi@aliyun.com



  • 中图分类号: TN248.4

High power semiconductor lasers with output power over 16 W for single emitter and 180 W for bar operation at 780 nm under CW operation

  • 摘要: 设计并制备了780 nm大功率半导体激光器的单管和巴条。采用金属有机化学气相沉积技术制备的外延结构,分别使用GaAsP和GaInP作为量子阱和波导层,限制层是具有高带隙的AlGaInP材料。量子阱与波导层带隙0.15 eV,波导层与限制层带隙0.28 eV,抑制了载流子泄露。1.55 μm厚非对称大光学腔波导结构抑制快轴高阶模,同时缓解腔面损伤问题。为进一步提高腔面损伤阈值,利用超高真空解理和钝化技术,在腔面上沉积了非晶ZnSe钝化层。条宽150 μm、腔长4 mm的单管器件,在电流为15 A时,输出连续功率16.3 W未出现COD现象,斜率效率达到1.27 W/A,电光转换效率为58%,慢轴发散角9.9°,光谱半高宽为1.81 nm。填充因子为40%的厘米巴条,在192 A下实现连续输出功率180 W,电光转换效率为50.7%,光谱宽度仅为2.2 nm。
  • 图  1  780 nm半导体激光外延的能带结构

    Figure  1.  Energy bands diagram of 780 nm diode laser

    图  2  780 nm半导体激光外延的折射率及光场分布

    Figure  2.  Refractive index and mode distribution diagram of 780 nm diode laser

    图  3  巴条上发光点间深隔离槽SEM照片

    Figure  3.  SEM photo of deep isolation groove between emitters on bar

    图  4  780 nm单管的功率电压效率曲线

    Figure  4.  Optical output power, voltage, and conversion efficiency as function of current of 780 nm single emitter

    图  5  780 nm单管的远场曲线

    Figure  5.  Far field of 780 nm single emitter

    图  6  780 nm激光单管的光谱曲线

    Figure  6.  Spectrum curve of 780 nm single emitter

    图  7  780 nm激光巴条的功率电压效率曲线

    Figure  7.  Optical output power, voltage, and conversion efficiency as function of current of 780 nm diode laser bar

    图  8  780 nm激光巴条的光谱曲线

    Figure  8.  Spectrum curve of 780 nm diode laser bar

    表  1  7xx nm激光单管性能对比

    Table  1.   Performance comparison of 7xx nm diode laser single emitters

    diode laser single
    wavelength/nm emitter
    power/W conversion
    fast axis
    slow axis
    nLight[10] 786 200 10 64 50 (FW1/e2) 10 (FW1/e2) 1.7
    Coherent[11] 793 100 5.6 60.3 / 8.8 (FW95%) /
    Ferdinand-Braun-Institut[5] 780 90 14 (pulse) 45 / / /
    Ferdinand-Braun-Institut[5] 780 1200 60 (pulse) 50 / 13 (FW95%) /
    Raybow Optoelectronics[12] 755 350 12.7 54 37 (FWHM) 8 (FWHM) /
    Institute of Applied Electronics, CAEP[13] 780 100 10.1 54 46 (FW95%) 7 (FW95%) 2.6
    Everbright Photonics[14] 780 150 7 71 39.9 (FWHM) / /
    16.3 60
    this work 780 150 16.3 58 45 (FW95%) 9.9 (FW95%) 1.81
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    表  2  7xx nm激光巴条性能对比

    Table  2.   Performance comparison of 7xx nm diode laser bars

    diode laser bar wavelength/nm emitter number emitter width/μm power/W conversion efficiency/% spectral width/nm
    DILAS[3] 780 19 150 110 57 2.2
    Ferdinand-Braun-Institut[15] 780 5 / 172 (pulse) 57 /
    this work 780 19 200 180 50.7 2.2
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-04-02
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