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王奇. 取消次级中子源对压水堆氚源项的影响分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 116004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230096
引用本文: 王奇. 取消次级中子源对压水堆氚源项的影响分析[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 116004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230096
Wang Qi. Analysis of influence of canceling secondary neutron sources ontritium source terms in pressurized water reactors[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 116004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230096
Citation: Wang Qi. Analysis of influence of canceling secondary neutron sources ontritium source terms in pressurized water reactors[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 116004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230096


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230096

    王 奇,wangqi@hpr.com.cn

  • 中图分类号: TL75+1

Analysis of influence of canceling secondary neutron sources ontritium source terms in pressurized water reactors

  • 摘要: 在压水堆正常运行期间,氚贡献了压水堆液相流出物总活度的95%以上,是反应堆设计和运行中的关键放射性核素之一。通过对美国在运的8台堆芯设计非常相似的机组2000至2019年期间氚排放数据进行较为深度的数据清洗和分析研究,得出采用不锈钢包壳的Sb-Be次级中子源的氚释放是压水堆机组氚源项的重要来源之一,统计机组中次级中子源产氚贡献平均为7.5 TBq·a−1,结合理论计算,符合当前包壳材料发展和运行管理水平下的渗透比例10%~20%。取消次级中子源约可以降低20%的因氚排放造成的公众剂量,还可以降低氚源项对厂址规划机组数量的制约。此外,研究还发现,氚排放量的显著波动受到液态集中排放的显著影响,特别是在美国压水堆大修之前或期间,这将有助于优化未来机组放射性排放管理。
  • 图  1  参考机组年平均负荷因子

    Figure  1.  Annual average load factor of reference unit

    图  2  氚排放量的分布

    Figure  2.  Distribution of tritium emissions

    表  1  压水堆中氚生产的核反应

    Table  1.   Nuclear reaction of tritium production in PWR

    region nuclear reactions
    fuel $ {\text{U/Pu + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{}}{\text{FP1 + FP2 + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}} $
    (in secondary source)
    ${}_{\text{4}}^{\text{9}}{\text{Be + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{6}}{\text{He}}$${}_{\text{2}}^{\text{6}}{\text{He}}\xrightarrow{{\text{β }}}{}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li}}$${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    ${}_{\text{4}}^{\text{9}}{\text{Be + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{{\text{(n,T)}}}}{}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n,n}}\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    boric acid
    (in the primary coolant and control rod)
    ${}_{\text{5}}^{{\text{10}}}{\text{B + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},2\alpha )}}{\text{2}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    ${}_{\text{5}}^{{\text{10}}}{\text{B + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n,n}}\alpha )}}{}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n + }}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He}}$${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    ${}_{\text{5}}^{{\text{10}}}{\text{B + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He}}$${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n,n}}\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    ${}_{\text{5}}^{{\text{11}}}{\text{B + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{{\text{(n,T)}}}}{}_{\text{4}}^{\text{9}}{\text{Be + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$${}_{\text{4}}^{\text{9}}{\text{Be + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{6}}{\text{He}}$
    ${}_{\text{2}}^{\text{6}}{\text{He}}\xrightarrow{{\text{β }}}{}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{{{ - 1}}}^{\text{0}}{\text{e}}$${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    ${}_{\text{4}}^{\text{9}}{\text{Be + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{{\text{(n,T)}}}}{}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n,n}}\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    lithium hydroxide
    (in the primary coolant)
    ${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{6}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    ${}_{\text{3}}^{\text{7}}{\text{Li + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n,n}}\alpha )}}{}_{\text{2}}^{\text{4}}{\text{He + }}{}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n + }}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
    (in the primary coolant)
    ${}_{\text{1}}^{\text{2}}{\text{H + }}_{\text{0}}^{\text{1}}{\text{n}}\xrightarrow{{({\text{n}},\gamma )}}{}_{\text{1}}^{\text{3}}{\text{H}}$
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    表  2  机组信息

    Table  2.   Information of the reactors

    reactor thermal capacity/MW number of assemblies active height/cm fuel configuration secondary neutron source (SNS) period of discharge
    group 1 A 3411 193 12 17×17 N 2000—2019
    B 3411 193 12 17×17 N 2001—2019
    C 3438 193 12 17×17 N 2001—2011
    D 3438 193 12 17×17 N 2001—2011
    group 2 E 3459 193 12 17×17 Y 2001—2019
    F 3468 193 12 17×17 Y 2000—2019
    G 3455 193 12 17×17 Y 2001—2019
    H 3455 193 12 17×17 Y 2001—2019
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    表  3  氚排放量统计结果

    Table  3.   Statistical results of tritium emissions

    unitaverage tritium emission/(TBq·a−1)maximum tritium emission/(TBq·a−1)
    group 1A3.818.222.04.832.437.1
    group 2E3.926.930.85.436.544.0
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