Application of vibration wire measurement technology to pre-alignment units of High Energy Photon Source booster
摘要: 高能同步辐射光源(HEPS)的预准直单元数量庞大,且磁铁准直精度要求极高,为检验HEPS增强器预准直单元磁铁准直精度,需要在实验厅按照一定比例对其进行振动线磁中心验证测量。基于预研阶段已研发的振动线系统,详细介绍了振动线磁中心测量原理及扫描方法,研究了HEPS增强器两铁单元的磁中心准直精度检测方法并进行了验证实验。设计并搭建了振动线高精度重复定位夹持机构装置,研究了振动线下垂量的修正方法,并对增强器两铁单元的磁中心扫描结果进行拟合分析。实验结果表明,HEPS增强器两铁单元满足磁铁间相对位置误差优于 50 μm的预准直精度要求。Abstract: The pre-alignment units of the High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) are numerious and require extremely high precision in magnet alignment. To verify the magnetic alignment accuracy of the pre-alignment magnet unit in the HEPS booster, vibration wire magnetic center verification measurements need to be carried out in the experimental hall at a certain ratio. Based on the vibration wire system developed in the pre-research stage, a detailed study is conducted to introduce the measurement principle and scanning method of the vibration wire magnetic center. The research focuses on the magnetic center allignment accuracy detection method of the two magnet units in the HEPS booster and conducts verification experiments. A high-precision repeat positioning clamping mechanism for the vibration wire was designed and constructed, and a method for correcting the sag of the vibration wire was studied. The magnetic center scan results of the two magnet units in the booster were analyzed by fitting. The experimental results show that the pre-alignment accuracy requirement of the HEPS booster for a relative position error between magnets better than 50 μm is satisfied. This study provides a reference for accurate measurement of the vibration wire magnetic center in other accelerator pre-allignment magnet units.
表 1 四六极铁设计参数
Table 1. Design parameters of the quadrupole and sextupole magnets
magnet max.
/mturns per
polemax. of
/Amin. of
/Agood field
of power
/(kg·cm−2)water flow
/kgBS1QD13 33 T/m 1.5 T/m 40 300 290 13 411 19 ±16 5×10−4 3 3 2.45 5.7 345 BS1SD6 1000 T/m2 30 T/m2 40 200 194 8 135.3 4.1 ±16 1×10−3 0.33 3 1.89 3 75 表 2 陶瓷双锥重复定位精度
Table 2. Ceramic double cone repeat positioning accuracy
vibrating wire repeated
positioning methodcone
Ysat/μmcompared with
previous time70° 8.3 4.4 0.1 0.2 2.7 1.3 90° 4.9 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.3 110° 5.9 4.9 0.0 0 1.4 1.4 compared with the
initial zero70° 18.9 3.0 0.0 1.1 6.4 0.6 90° 5.5 2.4 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.6 110° 6.0 6.4 0.0 0.1 1.6 1.9 表 3 振动线与预准直单元水平磁轴准直
Table 3. The vibrating wire is aligned on the horizontal magnetic axis of the pre-alignment unit
position operator lattice value horizontal offset/mm fixed end magnetic axis point 1 −50.0 −1.000 2 −50.0 −1.000 fixed end vibrating wire 1 −50.2 −1.004 2 −50.0 −1.000 free end magnetic axis point 1 −50.0 −1.000 2 −50.0 −1.000 free end vibrating wire 1 −50.2 −1.004 2 −50.3 −1.006 表 4 振动线与预准直单元垂直磁轴准直
Table 4. The vibrating wire is aligned on the vertical magnetic axis of the pre-alignment unit
position visual distance of the
instrument from each
measuring point/mmlattice
valuelattice value
offset/mmvertical offset
valuelattice value
offset/mmvertical offset
deviation/mmoperator 1 operator 2 vibrating wire of the fixed
end of the quadrupole
magnet2550 −41.0 50.0 −0.820 1.000 −41.5 51.0 −0.830 1.020 magnetic axis point of the
fixed end of the
quadrupole magnet2295 9.0 0.180 9.5 0.190 vibrating wire of the free
end of the sextupole
magnet2550 −43.0 50.0 −0.860 1.000 −43.0 50.5 −0.860 1.010 magnetic axis point of the
free end of the sextupole
magnet2305 7.0 0.140 7.5 0.150 表 5 预准直单元四六极磁铁位置的振动线下垂量
Table 5. Sag of vibration wire at the position of pre-alignment unit quadrupole and sextupole magnets
type of magnet L/mm δh/mm f1/Hz z1/mm z3/mm S(z)/mm quadrupole magnet 7453.0 1.8 18.36 1272.0 1592.0 −0.218 sextupole magnet 18.30 1713.0 1931.0 −0.236 表 6 预准直单元振动线磁中心扫描重复性
Table 6. Repeatability of vibrating-wire magnetic center scanning in pre-alignment unit
type of
magnettimes X/mm X deviation/mm Y/mm Y deviation/mm X/mm X deviation/mm Y/mm Y deviation/mm magnetic center of fixed end magnetic center of free end quadrupole
magnetthe first time −1.002 0.002 0.997 −0.002 −1.002 0.001 0.997 −0.003 the second time −1.000 0.995 −1.001 0.994 sextupole
magnetthe first time −0.959 −0.004 0.989 0.006 −0.965 −0.004 0.989 0.001 the second time −0.963 0.995 −0.969 0.990 表 7 高能光源增强器预准直单元振动线扫描三维磁中心拟合偏差
Table 7. Fit deviation of vibration line scanning of 3D magnetic center of the pre-alignment unit of the High Energy Photon Source booster
vibration wire fixation mode magnet inlet and outlet X/mm Y/mm Z/mm fixed end BS1QD13EN 0.003 −0.003 0.000 free end BS1QD13EX −0.017 0.010 320.000 fixed end BS1SD6EN 0.017 −0.007 441.000 free end BS1SD6EX −0.003 0.000 661.000 -
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