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姚胤旭 邱荣 万情 杨怡 史晋芳 王慧丽 周强

姚胤旭, 邱荣, 万情, 等. 基于激光诱导击穿光谱的基体效应[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 111004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230126
引用本文: 姚胤旭, 邱荣, 万情, 等. 基于激光诱导击穿光谱的基体效应[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2023, 35: 111004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230126
Yao Yinxu, Qiu Rong, Wan Qing, et al. Matrix effect based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 111004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230126
Citation: Yao Yinxu, Qiu Rong, Wan Qing, et al. Matrix effect based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2023, 35: 111004. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230126


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202335.230126
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(11972313);国家自然科学基金委员会与中国工程物理研究院联合基金项目(U1530109);中国科学院光谱成像技术重点实验室基金项目(LSIT202001W)



    邱 荣, 43951700@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O433.4

Matrix effect based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

  • 摘要: 为分析和改善激光诱导击穿光谱技术(LIBS)在定量分析土壤和大米中镉(Cd)元素含量时基体效应对分析结果的影响,以Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm谱线为分析对象,对比研究了基体种类、KCl质量分数和激发方式等对Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm谱线强度和定量分析结果的影响规律。研究结果表明:基体主成分的化学形态和电离能是产生基体效应的主要因素,KCl作为添加剂能明显改善大米中Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm的谱线强度,光电双脉冲激发能显著增强基体中Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm的谱线强度、稳定性并提高信噪比。与单激光脉冲激发方式相比,在光电双脉冲激发下,SiO2、土壤和大米三种基体中Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm的检测下限分别从372、332和2874 mg·kg−1降低到42、72和37 mg·kg−1
  • 图  1  LIBS实验装置示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of LIBS experimental device

    图  2  三种基体在两种激发方式下Cd Ⅱ 226.502谱线的强度特征

    Figure  2.  Comparison of Cd Ⅱ 226.502 spectral line intensities in different matrices under two excitation methods

    图  3  单激光脉冲激发下Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm谱线强度随KCl质量分数变化的特征

    Figure  3.  Changes in the intensity of Cd Ⅱ 226.502 spectral lines with KCl mass fraction

    图  4  等离子体温度和电子密度随KCl质量分数变化的特征

    Figure  4.  Changes of electron temperature and electron density with KCl mass fraction in plasma

    图  5  三种基体在两种激发方式下Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm的定标曲线

    Figure  5.  Calibration curves of Cd Ⅱ 226.502 nm line under two excitation methods

    表  1  D和E组标准样品中镉元素和氯化钾的质量分数

    Table  1.   Mass fractions of cadmium and potassium chloride in standard samples of groups D and E

    sample mass fraction/% sample mass fraction/%
    Cd KCl Cd KCl
    D1 1 0 E1 0.2 0
    D2 1 3 E2 0.2 3
    D3 1 6 E3 0.2 6
    D4 1 9 E4 0.2 9
    D5 1 12 E5 0.2 12
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    表  2  F、G和H三组标准样品中镉元素的质量分数

    Table  2.   Mass fractions of cadmium in three groups (F, G, and H) of standard samples

    sample mass fraction/% sample mass fraction/% sample mass fraction/%
    F1 0.004 G1 0.004 H1 0.004
    F2 0.010 G2 0.010 H2 0.010
    F3 0.020 G3 0.020 H3 0.020
    F4 0.040 G4 0.040 H4 0.040
    F5 0.100 G5 0.100 H5 0.100
    F6 0.200 G6 0.200 H6 0.200
    F7 0.400 G7 0.400 H7 0.400
    H8 1.000
    H9 2.000
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    表  3  三种基体在两种激发方式下的定量分析结果

    Table  3.   Quantitative analysis results of three matrices under two excitation methods

    LOD / (mg·kg−1) R2 /% RSD / %
    355 nm OEDB-LIBS 355 nm OEDB-LIBS 355 nm OEDB-LIBS
    Group F sample (silica matrix) 372 42 93.5 97.6 13.604 7.232
    Group G sample (soil matrix) 332 72 84.0 94.5 14.283 7.691
    Group H sample (rice matrix) 2874 37 95.3 95.1 13.544 6.968
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