Diagnosis and simulation of Penning source in associated neutron tube
摘要: Penning离子源因为结构简单、体积小、功耗低等优点,被广泛应用在伴随中子管中。基于实验室所用的潘宁(Penning)离子源,分析其电离时的伏-安特性;通过CCD相机拍摄观察离子源内部等离子体分布情况;采用光谱法诊断氢等离子体中电子的密度和温度。基于实验测试用的Penning离子源结构,建立H2分子碰撞电离的全局模型,分析离子源的工作参数与等离子体中电子温度和电子密度之间的关系。仿真结果表明:电子温度和电子密度与离子源的运行压强、磁场和功率密切相关;电子密度随功率增加逐渐增加、随磁场强度和压强都是先增加后减小,因此需将磁场强度控制在0.03~0.05 T,压强控制在(0.2~2)×10−2 Pa之间;电子温度随功率增加逐渐增加、随压强增加逐渐减小。通过模型可知,在Penning离子源的工作区间内,电子平均温度小于10 eV,电子密度数量级为1010 cm−3。
- Penning离子源 /
- 离子诊断 /
- 氢等离子体 /
- 数值分析 /
- 全局模型
Abstract: Penning ion source has been widely used in associated neutron tube due to its simple structure, small size and low power consumption. Based on the Penning ion source used in the laboratory, the volt-ampere characteristics in the ionization process are analyzed. The distribution of plasma is observed by a CCD camera inside the ion source. The density and temperature of electrons are analyzed by spectroscopy of the hydrogen plasma. Based on the Penning ion source structure used in the laboratory, this paper establishes a global model of collision ionization of H2 molecules and analyzes the influence of working parameters of ion source to the electron temperature and electron density in the plasma. The electron density increases gradually with the increase of discharge power, and it increases first and then decreases when the magnetic field and pressure increase. It is necessary to control the magnetic field within 0.03−0.05 T, and the pressure within (0.2−2)×10−2 Pa. The electron temperature increases with the power and decreases with pressure. The model shows that the electron temperature is less than 10 eV, and the electron density is 1010 cm−3 in the operating range of Penning ion source.-
Key words:
- Penning ion source /
- ion diagnosis /
- hydrogen plasmas /
- numerical analysis /
- global model
表 1 计算使用的光谱学参数
Table 1. Spectral parameters used in the calculation
spectrum energy level transition $ {E_{ij}} $/eV $ {\lambda _{ij}} $/nm $ {g_{ij}} $ Aij/(A·s) spectral correction factor strength $ {{\text{H}}_\alpha } $ 3→2 1.51 656 48 4.41e7 0.001002245 24228 $ {{\text{H}}_{\text{β}} } $ 4→2 0.85 486 32 8.42e6 0.00595114 2327 collision reaction energy threshold E/eV collision type $ {\text{e}} + {{\text{H}}_2} \to {\text{e}} + 2{\text{H}} $ 9.2 dissociation $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_2^{} \to 2{\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_{}^ + + {\text{H}} $ 18.0 dissociation ionization $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}} \to 2{\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_2^ + $ 15.4 ionization $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_2^{} \to 3{\text{e}} + 2{\text{H}}_{}^ + $ 23.0 dissociation ionization $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}} \to 2{\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_{}^ + {\text{ }} $ 13.6 ionization $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_2^ + \to {\text{e}} + {\text{H}} + {\text{H}}_{}^ + $ 2.4 dissociation $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_2^ + \to 2{\text{e + 2}}{{\text{H}}^ + } $ 14.7 dissociation ionization $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_2^ + \to {\text{e + }}{{\text{H}}^*} + {{\text{H}}^ + } $ 14.0 dissociation excitation $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_3^ + \to {\text{e + }}2{\text{H}} + {{\text{H}}^ + } $ 14.0 dissociation $ {\text{e}} + {\text{H}}_3^ + \to 3{\text{H}} $ 0.0 dissociation recombination -
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