High voltage damped oscillator based on interstage self-triggering Marx circuit
摘要: 为了增大输出电压的同时减小高压阻尼振荡发生器的体积和降低其成本,建立了一种4×4级间自触发Marx结构的阻尼振荡发生器模型。该模型每级的主开关采用基于电容触发方式的串联IGBT模块,只需提供一路隔离信号控制一级放电开关管的导通和关断,通过级间电容实现对相邻级放电管的栅极自动充电和放电,使其导通和关断。该模型提高了Marx单级的工作电压和简化了每级的驱动电路,并且通过加入缓冲电路,解决开关管动态、静态均压问题。基于这种拓扑结构搭建了一台高压阻尼振荡发生器样机,在电感负载上输出16 kV、振荡频率1 MHz的阻尼振荡波形,波形上升时间约为75 ns,重复频率500 Hz。样机体积小巧、工作稳定,验证了该方案的可行性。Abstract: To increase the output voltage and reduce the volume and cost of the high voltage damped oscillator, a 4×4 stage self-triggering Marx structure damped oscillator model is established in this paper. In this model, the main switch of each stage adopts series IGBTs module based on capacitor trigger mode. Only one isolated signal is provided to control the turn-on and turn-off of the primary discharge switch tube. The grid of the adjacent discharge tube is automatically charged and discharged through the interstage capacitance to make it turn-on and turn-off. The model improves the working voltage of Marx single stage and simplifies the driving circuit of each stage, and solves the problem of dynamic and static voltage equalization of switching tube by adding buffer circuit. Based on this topology, a prototype of a high-voltage damped oscillator is built, which outputs 16 kV damped oscillation waveform with a frequency of 1 MHz on an inductive load. The rise time of the waveform is about 75 ns, and the repetition frequency is 500 Hz. The prototype is small in size and stable in operation, which verifies the feasibility of the scheme.
Key words:
- self-triggering /
- series IGBT /
- Marx circuit /
- damped oscillation generator /
- high voltage
表 1 电路参数
Table 1. Circuit parameters
input DC
width/μsstorage capacitance
of Cp/nFgate parallel
resisitance Rs/kΩisolation
inductance Ls/μHequalizing
resistance Rd/kΩbuffer capacitance
of load/Ωinductance
of load/μH4200 100 1.5 10 100 100 0.1 20 60 -
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