Development of a superconducting longitudinal gradient bend prototype for Hefei Advanced Light Facility storage ring
摘要: 介绍了合肥先进光源储存环超导纵向梯度弯铁样机的研制工作,基于已发展的一种磁体结构参数优化方法,综合考虑磁场空间分布需求和超导线圈工作负载,完成了磁铁结构的设计和优化。为了验证磁体设计方案,应用一种矩形铌钛线材和DT4C电工纯铁材料,研制了一台纵向长度0.30 m、磁极间隙46 mm的磁体样机。并搭建了一套简易低温测试装置,对该磁体进行了励磁特性测量,经过10余次失超,测得磁体最大工作电流大于275 A。磁体纵向磁场分布测量结果表明,该磁体在约196 A工作电流下,纵向磁场积分值达到0.4 T·m,峰值磁场约4.5 T。测试结果与理论设计结果基本一致,表明该种超导磁体的设计是可行的。Abstract: This paper presents the development of superconducting longitudinal gradient bend prototype for Hefei Advanced Light Facility storage ring. The magnet structure parameters were optimized using a developed method that considered the requirements of spatial magnetic field distribution and magnet operating load. To verify the magnet design, a prototype magnet with a longitudinal length of 0.30 m and a pole gap of 46 mm was fabricated using a rectangular niobium-titanium wire and DT4C material. A simple low-temperature test device was built to measure the magnetizing characteristics of the magnet, and after more than 10 times of quench, the maximum operating current of the magnet was measured to be more than 275 A. The longitudinal magnetic field distribution of the magnet was measured, revealing an integral field of 0.4 T·m and a peak magnetic field of approximately 4.5 T at an operating current of about 196 A. The test results are basically consistent with the theoretical design, indicating that the design is reliable.
表 1 铌钛超导线材主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of the NbTi wire
bare wire size insulated wire size Cu:NbTi
ratiocritical current
at 4.2 K, 7 T/Anumber of
(273 K/10 K)1.20 mm×0.75 mm 1.28 mm×0.83 mm 1.3 ≥566 630 27.6 ≥566 表 2 超导纵向梯度二极磁铁样机主要设计参数
Table 2. Main design parameters of the SLGB prototype
gap/mmpole length
beam/mmpole length
transverse to
length per
field at
energy/kJracetrack coils,
DT4 yoke and pole120 46 39 109 38 36 500 252 6.35 14 表 3 低温装置热负载计算结果
Table 3. Calculation results for the heat load of cryogenic device
source of thermal load first stage cold head thermal load/W second stage cold head thermal load /W G10 rods 0.15×4 0.07×4 thermal radiation 2.3 0.2 current leads (thermal conduction) 8×2 0.1×2 current leads (joule heat) 10×2 —— pipes 4 0.1 gas 0.4 0.03 else 1 0.1 total 44.3 0.71 表 4 SLGB样机实测结果与仿真结果对比
Table 4. Comparison between measured results and simulation results of the SLGB prototype
Iin/A Bp/T ∫Bydz/(T·m) measurement 195.56 4.5245 0.4004 original simulation 251.40 4.8985 0.3992 updated simulation 240.41 4.6019 0.4000 -
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