Design and test of an array antenna transmitting high power microwave
摘要: 设计了一种用于高功率微波发射的S波段波导缝隙阵列天线。采用耦合波导和馈电波导同层排布的方式减小了天线的剖面高度,通过耦合缝隙同向偏置,辐射缝隙按照一定规律排布补偿相位,实现了缝隙单元方向图同相叠加,对缝隙参数、功分器形式与功率容量的关系进行了仿真分析,并在天线内部充入0.1 MPa SF6气体,提高了天线的功率容量。仿真和试验结果表明,在6.7%带宽内,天线电压驻波比小于1.5,增益达到27 dBi,采用窄谱高功率微波源激励天线并进行了高功率微波发射试验,天线的发射波形与微波源的输出波形具有良好一致性,测试的微波源输出功率为2.67 MW。Abstract: A slotted waveguide array antenna operating at S band for transmitting high power microwave is developed in this paper. The profile height is reduced by arranging the coupling waveguide and feeding waveguide on same layout. The coupling slots with same offsets direction and the radiating slots arranged regularly compensate phase, which achieves in-phase superposition of pattern of slot units. The influence of different slot parameters and types of divider on power capacity of the antenna are simulated. 0.1 MPa SF6 gas is filled in the sealed antenna to enhance power-handling capability. The simulated and test results show that the antenna has a 6.7% bandwidth with VSWR less than 1.5 and a gain up to 27 dBi. Hot test of this antenna is carried out fed by narrow-band high power microwave source. The transmitted waveform and the output one agree well. The measured output power of the source is 2.67 MW.
表 1 ly1=10 mm,不同w1取值下的Emax
Table 1. ly1=10 mm, Emax with different w1
w1/mm lx1/mm Emax/(V·m−1) 8 50.10 3013.39 10 50.56 2467.90 12 51.00 2162.49 14 51.26 1939.91 表 2 w1=12 mm,不同ly1取值下的Emax
Table 2. w1=12 mm, Emax with different ly1
ly1/mm lx1/mm Emax/(V·m−1) 8 49.86 2273.79 10 50.98 2162.49 12 51.85 2370.78 14 52.7 2023.07 表 3 E-T结功分器内部的Emax
Table 3. Emax within E-T junction divider
dj1/mm dj2/mm Emax/(V·m−1) 0 0 1244.21 0 2 1314.58 2 0 1428.46 2 2 1473.24 2 4 1447.33 4 2 1300.9 4 4 1250.06 -
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