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毛永艳 张帆 田川 解江远 金兆鑫

毛永艳, 张帆, 田川, 等. 一种高功率微波发射阵列天线设计和试验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 083003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230448
引用本文: 毛永艳, 张帆, 田川, 等. 一种高功率微波发射阵列天线设计和试验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2024, 36: 083003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230448
Mao Yongyan, Zhang Fan, Tian Chuan, et al. Design and test of an array antenna transmitting high power microwave[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 083003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230448
Citation: Mao Yongyan, Zhang Fan, Tian Chuan, et al. Design and test of an array antenna transmitting high power microwave[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2024, 36: 083003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230448


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202436.230448


  • 中图分类号: TM832

Design and test of an array antenna transmitting high power microwave

  • 摘要: 设计了一种用于高功率微波发射的S波段波导缝隙阵列天线。采用耦合波导和馈电波导同层排布的方式减小了天线的剖面高度,通过耦合缝隙同向偏置,辐射缝隙按照一定规律排布补偿相位,实现了缝隙单元方向图同相叠加,对缝隙参数、功分器形式与功率容量的关系进行了仿真分析,并在天线内部充入0.1 MPa SF6气体,提高了天线的功率容量。仿真和试验结果表明,在6.7%带宽内,天线电压驻波比小于1.5,增益达到27 dBi,采用窄谱高功率微波源激励天线并进行了高功率微波发射试验,天线的发射波形与微波源的输出波形具有良好一致性,测试的微波源输出功率为2.67 MW。
  • 图  1  12×12发射阵列天线结构图

    Figure  1.  Structure of 12×12 transmitting array antenna

    图  2  子阵结构

    Figure  2.  Structure of subarray

    图  3  矩形波导内传输TE10模时的管壁电流分布与5种缝隙类型

    Figure  3.  Wall current distribution within waveguide transferring TE10 and 5 types of slot

    图  4  辐射缝隙参数提取模型

    Figure  4.  Model used to extract parameters of radiation slot

    图  5  两种H-T功分器的结构和电场强度分布图

    Figure  5.  Structures and electric field distribution of two kinds of H-T junction power dividers

    图  6  dj1=4 mm,dj2=4 mm时,E-T结功分器的电场分布

    Figure  6.  Electric field distribution within E-T junction divider with dj1=4 mm and dj2=4 mm

    图  7  天线的电场分布

    Figure  7.  Electric field distribution of antenna

    图  8  电压驻波比和辐射方向图

    Figure  8.  VSWR and radiation patterns

    图  9  发射功率测试布局

    Figure  9.  Test layout for transmitting power

    图  10  接收波形和发射波形

    Figure  10.  Received and transmitted waveforms

    表  1  ly1=10 mm,不同w1取值下的Emax

    Table  1.   ly1=10 mm, Emax with different w1

    w1/mm lx1/mm Emax/(V·m−1)
    8 50.10 3013.39
    10 50.56 2467.90
    12 51.00 2162.49
    14 51.26 1939.91
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    表  2  w1=12 mm,不同ly1取值下的Emax

    Table  2.   w1=12 mm, Emax with different ly1

    ly1/mm lx1/mm Emax/(V·m−1)
    8 49.86 2273.79
    10 50.98 2162.49
    12 51.85 2370.78
    14 52.7 2023.07
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    表  3  E-T结功分器内部的Emax

    Table  3.   Emax within E-T junction divider

    dj1/mm dj2/mm Emax/(V·m−1)
    0 0 1244.21
    0 2 1314.58
    2 0 1428.46
    2 2 1473.24
    2 4 1447.33
    4 2 1300.9
    4 4 1250.06
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