Design of solenoid snake for Super Tau-Charm Facility based on particle swarm optimization algorithm
摘要: 在环形对撞机中等方位角间隔安装奇数个西伯利亚蛇是用来获得纵向极化束对撞的通常方案。根据超级陶粲装置的特点,选取螺线管型西伯利亚蛇作为维持束流极化的装置。详细介绍了如何把粒子群优化算法与螺线管蛇去耦合和光学匹配问题相结合,对它进行快速优化设计,并对设计结果进行了展示。结果显示,基于粒子群算法的螺线管蛇优化设计有效且高效。Abstract: Installing an odd number of Siberian snakes at equal azimuth intervals in a circular collider is a common scheme for obtaining longitudinally polarized beam collisions. In this paper, the solenoid Siberian snake is selected as the device to preserve beam polarization in the Super Tau-Charm Facility according to its characteristics. The paper introduces in detail how to combine particle swarm optimization algorithm with decoupling and optical matching problem of solenoid snake to design it quickly and optimally, and presents the design results. The results show that the optimization design of solenoid snake based on particle swarm optimization algorithm is effective and efficient.
表 1 ±I螺线管蛇装置主要设计参数
Table 1. Main design parameters of ±I solenoid snake
solenoid ks /m−1 solenoid L/m K1/m−2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 snake on 0.8722 1.8×2 2.38494523 − 1.78215169 0.12879834 2.08811998 snake off 0 1.8×2 2.24210204 − 2.69629201 2.93748997 0.07303464 -
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