Research on two-channel high-voltage pulse generator with reverse bias voltage
摘要: 通过调节反向偏置电压可以改善电场渗透对质谱仪的影响,提高质谱仪的分辨率。为了满足质谱仪对脉冲电场的不同要求,提出了一种可以同时输出两路极性相反脉冲电场的脉冲电源,且高压正脉冲叠加幅值可调的直流负偏置电压。该电源只需一个充电源便可以产生正负两路脉冲电场。分析了串联开关同步驱动效果,随后通过增加补偿绕组和并联电阻优化了串联电容的分压不均的问题,并验证一个磁芯加多个副边绕组的方案可进一步降低充电电压不均。最终实现了4个电容器的充电电压与平均电压相差不超过0.1%。搭建了一台4级的电源样机,实验表明,其可以在容性负载上产生一路幅值为0~1.5 kV、脉宽为2~10 µs可调的高压正脉冲且叠加幅值为0~−200 V的反向偏置电压,和一路幅值为0~−1.5 kV、脉宽为2~10 µs可调的高压负脉冲,频率高达10 kHz,正负脉冲的前沿均小于30 ns,脉冲波形平稳。该脉冲电源结构紧凑,并且输出电压、脉宽、频率均连续可调。Abstract: The influence of electric field penetration on mass spectrometer can be improved by adjusting the reverse bias voltage to improve the resolution of mass spectrometer. To meet the different output waveform requirements of mass spectrometers, this paper proposes a pulse generator that can simultaneously output two pulses of the same voltage amplitude and with opposite polarities, and a negative DC bias voltage is coupled to the high-voltage positive pulse. Only one charging power source is needed to generate both positive and negative pulsed electric fields. This paper analyzes the synchronous driving effect of the series switch, and then solves the problem of uneven charging voltage of the series capacitors by adding the compensation windings and parallel resistors. The difference of charging voltage between four capacitors is within 0.1%. A 4-stage prototype was constructed. This pulse generator can generate a high-voltage positive pulse with amplitude from 0 to 1.5 kV and adjustable pulse width from 2 to 10 µs and coupled with a negative bias voltage with amplitude from 0 to −200 V, and a high-voltage negative pulse with amplitude from 0 to −1.5 kV and adjustable pulse width from 2 to 10 µs. All the rising edges are shorter than 30 ns. The pulse generator can achieve adjustable output voltage, pulse widths and frequencies.
表 1 带反偏置的双路高压脉冲电源参数
Table 1. Parameters of dual high-voltage pulsed power supply with reverse bias voltage
Tr/ns Tf/ns T/μs width/μs Td/μs Cload/μF Lr/μH Cr/μF H-bridge series resonant drive signal 50 50 50 20 5 1225 5.1 2.7 main circuit drive signal (S1,S4) 64 22 100 9 1 0.040 -
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