Design and implementation of linear injector timing system for 300 MeV proton and heavy ion accelerator
摘要: 针对哈尔滨工业大学空间环境地面模拟装置(SESRI)-300 MeV质子重离子加速器直线注入器,设计了直线定时系统,为脉冲工作模式的直线注入器斩波器、高频低电平系统、束流诊断与反馈系统提供精准的、符合物理调束需求的工作时序触发信号。系统硬件基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)设计和开发,实现了内触发模式与外触发模式两种模式下对直线加速器相关设备的精准时序控制以及斩波器的控制与安全联锁。硬件支持光信号通信、W5300以太网通信、多路继电器输出与多路同步触发信号的精准时序输出。同时,系统采用光信号通信模块方便系统的级联,易于系统扩展,可满足大规模直线加速器定时系统需求。用户上位机软件基于实验物理和工业控制系统(EPICS)分布式架构开发。该系统已成功运用在300 MeV质子重离子加速器装置、近代物理研究所SSC-LINAC装置,且长期运行稳定、可靠,无任何故障。
- 空间环境地面模拟装置 /
- 直线定时系统 /
- 可编程门阵列 /
- 实验物理和工业控制系统 /
- 时序控制
Abstract: A linear timing system was designed for the linear injector of harbin institution of Technology’s space environment simulation and research infrastructure (SESRI) -300 MeV proton and heavy ion accelerator. The linear timing system provides precise timing trigger signals for linear accelerator chopper system with pulse operation mode, low-level RF control system, beam current diagnostic and feedback system to meet the demands of physical beam tuning. The system hardware, based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), realizes precise timing control of related equipment of linear timing system in internal trigger mode and external trigger mode, as well as the control and safety interlock of chopper. The hardware can realize optical signal communication, W5300 Ethernet communication, multiple relay outputs and multiple synchronized trigger signals with precise timing outputs. At the same time, the use of optical signal communication module will facilitate the cascade of systems and system scalability, which can meet the large-scale needs of linear gas pedal timing system. The user high level software is developed based on the distributed architecture of EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System). The linear timing system has been successfully used in SESRI-300 MeV and SSC-LINAC of Institute of Modern Physics (IMP), and has operated stably and reliably for a long period of time without any failure.-
Key words:
- linear timing system /
- FPGA /
- temporal control
表 1 直线定时控制EPICS记录类型及结构体定义
Table 1. Definition of linac timing control
definition of record type for chopper definition of struct for chopper recordtype(Chopper) {
include "dbCommon.dbd"
field(mPulsePeriod,DBF_FLOAT) {
promptgroup (GUI_INPUTS)
field(modeChoice,DBF_UCHAR) {
}typedef struct ChopperRecord {
char name[61]; /* Record Name */
char desc[41]; /* Descriptor */
char asg[29]; /* Access Security Group */
epicsEnum16 scan; /* Scan Mechanism */
epicsFloat32 mPulsePeriod;
epicsUInt8 modeChoice;
Char ip[16]; /* IP address */
epicsInt32 port; /* port */
} ChopperRecord;表 2 内触发模式下A通道输出抖动测试结果
Table 2. A-channel output jitter statistics in internal trigger mode
description бsd/ps max/ps min/ps p-p value/ps test number maximum of cycle-cycle/ps minimum of cycle-cycle/ps TIE1,Ch1 15.393 36.178 −36.155 72.333 975 56.314 −62.164 current acquisition 15.015 29.386 −34.661 64.047 65 49.640 −48.016 -
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