Research progress in radio technology based on Rydberg atoms
摘要: 近年来,量子信息技术飞速发展,其中基于里德堡原子的电磁传感器吸引了人们的极大兴趣。里德堡原子是一种处于高能态的原子,因其拥有对外场响应灵敏、具备自校准并直接追溯到国际单位制的测量能力、不受传统天线尺寸效应的影响等特点,十分适合于无线电传感与探测。自2012年Shaffer等突破性地利用里德堡原子的电磁诱导透明效应测量微波电场强度的灵敏度及不确定度均远高于传统微波测量结果之后,近十年来,以里德堡原子超外差测量等新理论和新技术为代表的研究已经实现了对电磁波的频率、极化、相位、强度等多参数的测量,相关工程化的技术也蓬勃发展,有望对传统的无线电技术产生颠覆性的影响。对基于里德堡原子的无线电技术近十年来的研究进展进行综述,从探测原理出发,梳理本领域的发展脉络,并对其未来发展趋势进行展望。Abstract: In recent years, the field of quantum information technology has experienced rapid growth, with a particular focus on electromagnetic sensors that utilize Rydberg atoms. Rydberg atoms, characterized by their high energy states, have garnered significant attention due to their highly sensitive response to external fields. These atoms offer several advantages, including self-calibration capabilities and direct traceability to the International System of Units (SI), which make them exceptionally suitable for applications in radio sensing and detection. Since Shaffer and others made a breakthrough in measuring microwave electric field intensity using the electromagnetic induced transparency effect of Rydberg atoms in 2012, the sensitivity and uncertainty of measuring microwave electric field intensity have significantly surpassed those of traditional microwave measurement results. Over the past decade, research centered around new theories and technologies, such as Rydberg atom superheterodyne technology, has enabled the measurement of electromagnetic wave frequency, polarization, phase, amplitude, and other parameters. Related engineering technologies are also experiencing significant growth, expected to have a disruptive impact on traditional radio technology. This comprehensive review aims to summarize the research progress in the field of Rydberg atom-based radio technology over the past ten years. It will start by examining the underlying principles of detection and then proceed to outline the developmental trajectory of this domain. Finally, the review will provide insights into the future trends and potential directions for the evolution of this technology.
Key words:
- Rydberg atom /
- electromagnetic induced transparency /
- radio technology /
- atomic sensor
图 4 原子超外差法中,已知频率和相位的本地信号
$ {E}_{\mathrm{L}}\left(t\right) $ 和待测信号场$ E\mathrm{_s}\left(t\right) $ 通过原子进行混频[27]Figure 4. In the atomic superheterodyne method, the local signal
$ {E}_{\mathrm{L}}\left(t\right) $ with known frequency and phase and the signal field$ E\mathrm{_s}\left(t\right) $ to be measured are mixed by atoms[27]表 1 里德堡原子主要特点
Table 1. The main characteristics of Rydberg atoms
property n dependence binding energy n−2 energy spacing n−3 orbital radius n2 dipole moment n2 radiative lifetime n3 polarizability n7 van der Waals interaction n11 dipole-dipole interaction n4 -
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