Design of a multi unmanned vehicle radiation monitoring system in virtual nuclear retirement environment
摘要: 为提高核退役设施辐射测量效率、减少测量人员遭受放射性照射的风险,设计了一种面向多无人车编队辐射巡测控制系统。首先,采用领航-跟随编队策略,控制机器人以预定队形行进,同时实时采集每个无人车在编队行进过程中巡测到的辐射强度信息以及它们各自的位置数据,初步分析环境内部的辐射分布状况。其次,利用辐射强度与位置信息,运用马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗方法对放射源参数进行估计。仿真结果表明,无人车编队不仅可以在辐射环境下按照自动规划的路径运动并对放射源位置进行参数估计,且行进过程中距离误差为0~0.055 m,观测角误差为0~0.035 rad。Abstract: To improve the radiation measurement efficiency of nuclear retirement facilities and reduce the risk of radiation exposure to measurement personnel, a radiation patrol control system for multiple unmanned vehicle formations has been designed. Firstly, the navigation following formation strategy is adopted to control the robots to move in a predetermined formation, while collecting real-time radiation intensity information and their respective position data measured by each unmanned vehicle during the formation process, to preliminarily analyze the radiation distribution inside the environment. Secondly, utilizing radiation intensity and location information, the Markov chain Monte Carlo method is employed to estimate the parameters of the radiation source. The simulation results show that the unmanned vehicle formation can move along the automatically planned path in radiation environment, with advantages such as fast response speed, high control accuracy, and it can estimate the parameters of the radiation source position coordinates.
表 1 核退役环境无人车主要技术参数
Table 1. Main technical parameters of unmanned vehicles in nuclear decommissioning environment
dimensions/mm3 wheel
humidityγ detection
range/(μsV·h−1)LiDAR wavelength/mm point rate/MHz 138×178×192 66 15 >4 1 −20~50 5%~95% 0.1/3 905 1.152 -
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