Development and tests of functions of proton, low-energy photon and electron transport in JMCT3.0 Monte Carlo particle transport program
摘要: 高分辨率通用型三维多粒子输运蒙特卡罗软件JMCT能够模拟任意复杂几何系统的中子/光子/电子/质子/分子/光辐射/大气输运问题,支持数十万核的多级并行,已广泛用于辐射屏蔽、反应堆临界安全分析、核探测及核医学等领域。JMCT已升级到3.0版本,相比2.0版本,3.0版本新增了13项功能,改进发展了8种算法,通过对低层JCOGIN框架的优化,计算效率提高30%~600%。新功能主要用于图像诊断、闪光照相、光辐射及大气输运的模拟。JMCT3.0开发了质子、低能光子/电子及分子模拟功能,通过基准检验,验证了算法的正确有效性。Abstract: The Monte Carlo code JMCT can simulate neutron/photon/electron/proton/molecule/light radiation/atmosphere transport problems in any complicated geometry system. It supports the multi-level parallelization in scale of over one hundred thousand cores. At present, JMCT has been widely applied in radiation shielding, critical safety analysis of reactor, nuclear detection and nuclear medicine etc. JMCT3.0 is a large-scale, high-fidelity, three-dimensional general multi-particle transport Monte Carlo (MC) program, and thirteen new functions and eight new algorithms have been developed based on JMCT2.0. The computing efficiency is enhanced 30%−600% by optimizing of JCOGIN infrastructure. This paper introduces the methods and new functions of proton, low-energy photon/ electron/molecule transport in JMCT3.0. The validity of algorithms has been proved by benchmarks. The new functions are mainly used for simulations of image diagnosis, flash radiography, light radiation and atmosphere transport.
Key words:
- Monte Carlo /
- proton /
- low-energy photon and electron transport /
- flash radiography /
表 1 水中光子体通量统计计数
Table 1. Statistical tallies of photon volume flux in water
energy/MeV ΦJMCT/cm−2 ΦMCNP6/cm−2 relative deviation/% 6.0000E-04 6.99746E-11 6.99799E-11 − 0.00757 1.0000E-03 5.20906E-09 5.20904E-09 0.000384 total 5.27903E-09 5.27902E-09 0.000189 表 2 水中光子体通量能谱统计计数
Table 2. Statistical energy spectrum tallies of photon volume flux in water
energy/MeV ФJMCT/cm−2 ФMCNP6/cm−2 relative deviation/% 9.18182E-05 4.23205E-12 4.23159E-12 0.01087 1.82636E-04 5.80115E-12 5.80077E-12 0.00655 2.73455E-04 6.19310E-12 6.19268E-12 0.00678 3.64273E-04 7.39524E-12 7.39533E-12 − 0.00122 4.55091E-04 8.70878E-12 8.70836E-12 0.00482 5.45909E-04 9.99978E-12 1.00000E-11 − 0.0022 6.36727E-04 1.13276E-11 1.13266E-11 0.00883 7.27545E-04 1.28006E-11 1.28008E-11 − 0.00156 8.18364E-04 1.43628E-11 1.43626E-11 0.00139 9.09182E-04 1.60751E-11 1.60750E-11 0.000622 1.00000E-03 2.26673E-11 2.26676E-11 − 0.00132 total 1.19563E-10 1.19561E-10 0.00167 -
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