Three-dimensional reconstruction system for transparent samples based on phase retrieval
摘要: 为解决传统显微成像技术难以获取无色透明样本结构和厚度的问题,设计了一款小型透明样本3维重建系统。该系统通过对透明样本进行相位恢复,实现3维重建。系统的设计突破了传统光学结构,只需输入携带样本信息的光线,经过分光棱镜分成两路,终由双目相机捕获。系统使用3D打印制作,尺寸仅为110 mm×110 mm×60 mm,成本低廉,并可与传统显微成像设备配合使用。系统内置自动对焦和视场配准算法,只需采集1张过焦和1张欠焦图像,通过求解光强传输方程便可进行相位恢复,从而实现透明样本的3维重建。测试结果显示,10倍物镜下系统的成像分辨率可达2.46 μm,同时相位恢复精确度也能达到基本要求。系统成功对血细胞和载玻片划痕进行了3维重建,证明了系统的可行性与实用性。Abstract: In response to the difficulties posed by traditional microscopy imaging techniques in capturing the structure and thickness of colorless transparent samples, we have designed a miniature three-dimensional reconstruction system for such samples. This innovative system, breaking away from traditional optical structures, performs phase retrieval on transparent samples to achieve three-dimensional reconstruction. It requires only light carrying sample information, which is then bifurcated by a spectroscope and captured by a stereo camera. Constructed using 3D printing technology, the compact system measures just 110 mm×110 mm×60 mm, offering a cost-effective solution that is also compatible with traditional microscopy imaging equipment. It incorporates autofocus and field of view correction algorithms, which, by collecting one over-focused and one under-focused image, solve the transport intensity equation to enable phase retrieval and hence the three-dimensional reconstruction of transparent samples. Test results have shown that the system can achieve an imaging resolution of 2.46 μm under a 10× objective lens, and the phase recovery accuracy can also meet the basic requirements. Furthermore, the successful three-dimensional reconstruction of blood cells and scratches on microscope slides validates the system's feasibility and practicality.
表 1 CMOS相机参数表
Table 1. CMOS camera parameters
model transmission mode resolution frames/Hz pixel dimension/(μm×μm) VEN-134-90U3M-D USB3.0 1280 ×1024 ×290 4.8×4.8 -
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