Influence of thermal radiation on cathode temperature of traveling wave tubes
摘要: 由于行波管工作时无法直接测量阴极温度,目前主要通过组件测温和电子枪热仿真确定阴极工作温度。热辐射不仅是电子枪热量传递的主要途径之一,也是产生热损耗的主要因素,因而热辐射是电子枪热分析不可忽略的因素。对热损耗进行了定量分析,考虑了接触热阻和热损耗,建立了全面的热辐射边界,对阴极-热屏组件进行热仿真,通过调整零件表面发射率拟合了阴极-热屏组件测温实验数据曲线,得到了行波管电子枪高温区域零件表面的发射率,分析了热损耗、零件表面发射率对阴极温度的影响,并通过电子枪热平衡实验验证了所得发射率数值的正确性,进而得到了更准确的电子枪温度分布云图。研究表明,阴极温度950~
1100 ℃时其表面发射率为0.65;电子枪零件表面发射率越大,阴极温度越低,阴极筒表面发射率对阴极温度影响最大;温度越高热子热损耗越大,不考虑热损耗仿真得到的阴极表面温度偏高14.4~17.5 ℃;组件测温得到的阴极表面温度比整管时高42~62 ℃。Abstract: The working temperature of the cathode, as the electron source of traveling wave tubes (TWTs), directly impacts the performance, stability and lifespan of TWTs. Since the cathode’s temperature cannot be directly measured during TWT operation, it is primarily determined through component temperature measurement and electron gun thermal simulation. Thermal radiation is a significant heat transfer mode in the electron gun and a major factor in heat loss. Therefore, it cannot be ignored in the thermal analysis of the electron gun. The heat loss was quantitatively analyzed, the thermal simulation of cathode-thermal shielding assembly was conducted considering contact thermal resistance and heat loss, establishing a comprehensive thermal radiation boundary. The temperature measurement test data curve of the cathode-thermal shielding assembly was fitted by adjusting the surface emissivity of the parts to obtain its value in high-temperature regions of TWT electron guns. The impact of surface emissivity and heat loss on cathode temperature was analyzed, and the accuracy of obtained emissivity value was verified through a heat equilibrium test of electron gun, and then a more precise distribution cloud map of the electron gun was obtained. The research results show that the surface emissivity of cathode is 0.65 when the temperature is between 950 and1100 ℃. Besides, the higher the surface emissivity of electron gun components, the lower the cathode temperature, and the surface emissivity of the cathode cylinder has the greatest impact on the cathode temperature; the higher the temperature, the greater the heat loss of the heater. Without considering heat loss, the simulated cathode surface temperature is 14.4−17.5 ℃ higher. The surface temperature of the cathode obtained by component temperature measurement is 42−62 ℃ higher than that of the entire tube.-
Key words:
- traveling wave tube /
- cathode /
- thermal radiation /
- heat loss /
- emissivity
表 1 电子枪热仿真时需要设置的发射率
Table 1. Emissivity for thermal simulation of electron guns
part material emissivity cathode M-type ε1 Al2O3 sintered body Al2O3 ε2 cathode cylinder Mo ε3 cathode support cylinder Mo ε3 thermal shielding cylinder 4J36 ε4 cathode support cylinder positioning component 4J36 ε4 表 2 热损耗数据
Table 2. Heat loss data
T/K I/A ρ/(10−5 Ω·mm) ε Qgenerate/W Qloss/W 1323 0.696 55.84 0.153 0.14 0.13 1373 0.738 57.44 0.162 0.16 0.17 1423 0.777 59.00 0.171 0.18 0.20 1473 0.818 60.56 0.180 0.21 0.24 表 3 钨的发射率测量数据统计
Table 3. Measurement data statistics of tungsten emissivity
author temperature/K wavelength/μm ε1 compared to the value of
the target conditionLü Zheng[27] 3000 2.1~2.4 0.68~0.69 much larger Yao Longqing[28] 1300 0.65 0.46 larger Yu Kun[29] 873 3 0.25 much smaller Cagran C[30] 973~ 1283 2.2 0.26 slightly smaller Seifter A[31] 1800 0.65 0.54 much larger Brodu E[32] 1300 ~1500 0.6~2.8 0.36~0.39 similar 表 4 钼的发射率测量数据统计
Table 4. Measurement data statistics of molybdenum emissivity
表 5 铁镍合金、铁和钢的发射率测量数据统计
Table 5. Measurement data statistics of iron nickel alloy, iron and steel emissivity
表 6 建立的热辐射边界条件
Table 6. Established thermal radiation boundary conditions
correlation radiation face absorbing face emissivity estimate to ambient cathode emitting surface and exposed side ambience ε1 0.46~0.75 to ambient bottom surface of Al2O3 sintered body ambience ε2 0.15~0.2 to ambient upper and lower end faces of cathode cylinder ambience ε3 0.15~0.3 surface to surface outer surface of cathode cylinder internal surface of cathode support cylinder ε3 0.15~0.3 surface to surface outer surface of cathode support cylinder internal surface of thermal shielding cylinder ε3 0.15~0.3 to ambient outer surface of thermal shielding cylinder ambience ε4 0.1~0.2 to ambient inner and outer surfaces of the cathode support
cylinder positioning componentambience ε4 0.1~0.2 表 7 通过热仿真确定的发射率数值
Table 7. Emissivity values determined through thermal simulation
part material emissivity value cathode M-type ε1 0.65 Al2O3 sintered body Al2O3 ε2 0.16 cathode cylinder Mo ε3 0.23 cathode support cylinder Mo ε3 0.23 thermal shielding cylinder 4J36 ε4 0.12 thermal shielding cylinder positioning component 4J36 ε4 0.12 -
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