Effect and mechanism of on-chip electrostatic discharge protection circuit under fast rising time electromagnetic pulse
Abstract:The electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection circuit widely exists in the input and output ports of CMOS digital circuits, and fast rising time electromagnetic pulse (FREMP) coupled into the device not only interacts with the CMOS circuit, but also acts on the protection circuit. This paper establishes a model of on-chip CMOS electrostatic discharge protection circuit and selects square pulse as the FREMP signals. Based on multiple physical parameter models, it depicts the distribution of the lattice temperature, current density, and electric field intensity inside the device. At the same time, this paper explores the changes of the internal devices in the circuit under the injection of fast rising time electromagnetic pulse and describes the relationship between the damage amplitude threshold and the pulse width. The results show that the ESD protection circuit has potential damage risk, and the injection of FREMP leads to irreversible heat loss inside the circuit. In addition, pulse signals with different attributes will change the damage threshold of the circuit. These results provide an important reference for further evaluation of the influence of electromagnetic environment on the chip, which is helpful to carry out the reliability enhancement research of ESD protection circuit.
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