Development of linear accelerator microwave system for terahertz near-field high-throughput material physical property testing system
摘要: 太赫兹近场高通量材料物性测试系统(NFTHZ)中集成了一台波长可调谐的太赫兹自由电子激光器(THz-FEL),该仪器采用电子能量10~18 MeV可调的直线加速器作为注入器。调节驱动激光的纵向/时间结构,可以形成电子束团的预群聚,通过匹配电子束团的群聚因子、波荡器入口处电子束能量以及波荡器K值之间的关系,能够实现MW级高峰值功率、中心波长0.5~5 THz可调的太赫兹自由电子激光。微波系统为THz-FEL中电子束加速至目标能量提供了高功率微波电场、加速结构以及微波幅度相位控制系统。本文将针对NFTHZ装置微波系统的关键技术以及电子直线加速器的研制进展进行介绍。Abstract: The terahertz near-field high-throughput material physical property testing system (NFTHZ) integrates a wavelength-tunable terahertz free electron laser (THz-FEL). The instrument uses a linear accelerator with tunable electron energy of 10-18 MeV as the injector. A pre-bunched electron beam can be formed by adjusting the longitudinal/temporal structure of the driving laser. By matching the relationship between the bunching factor, energy of the electron beam at the undulator entrance and the K value of undulator, a terahertz free electron laser with megawatts peak power and an adjustable center wavelength of 0.5-5.0 THz can be achieved. The microwave system provides high-power microwave electric field, accelerating structure and microwave amplitude and phase control system to accelerate the electron beam to the target energy. This article will introduce the development of the microwave system of the NFTHZ facility and the construction progress of the electron linear accelerator.
Key words:
- free electron laser /
- terahertz /
- pre-bunched electron beam /
- linear accelerator /
- microwave system
表 1 预聚束THz-FEL技术参数和设计指标
Table 1. Technical parameters and design indicators of the pre-bunched THz-FEL
MeVmaximum number
of electron
microbunchesspacing of
microbunches/pspeak power
of FEL/
MWFEL frequency
THzFEL frequency range (based on the
second harmonic of the electron
bunch train repetition rate)/THz0.5~5.0 60~600 10~18 16 0.33~2.00 0.1~7.0 0.5~3.0 3~5 表 2 两种电子能量模式下微波功率测量结果
Table 2. Microwave power measurements in two electron energy conditions
power monitoring location electron beam energy at 10 MeV/dBm electron beam energy at 18 MeV/dBm klystron output 106.31 106.27 klystron reflection 87.65 87.38 e-gun(pickup) 98.43 98.47 e-gun reflection 80.64 79.88 ACT input 100.9 103.91 ACT reflection 85.97 86.77 -
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