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共源共栅结构GaN HEMT器件高能质子辐射效应

邱一武 董磊 殷亚楠 周昕杰

邱一武, 董磊, 殷亚楠, 等. 共源共栅结构GaN HEMT器件高能质子辐射效应[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2025, 37: 024003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240223
引用本文: 邱一武, 董磊, 殷亚楠, 等. 共源共栅结构GaN HEMT器件高能质子辐射效应[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2025, 37: 024003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240223
Qiu Yiwu, Dong Lei, Yin Yanan, et al. High-energy proton irradiation effect of Cascode structure GaN HEMT device[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2025, 37: 024003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240223
Citation: Qiu Yiwu, Dong Lei, Yin Yanan, et al. High-energy proton irradiation effect of Cascode structure GaN HEMT device[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2025, 37: 024003. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240223

共源共栅结构GaN HEMT器件高能质子辐射效应

doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240223
基金项目: 抗辐照应用技术创新中心创新基金项目(KFZC2021010202)




  • 中图分类号: TN386

High-energy proton irradiation effect of Cascode structure GaN HEMT device

  • 摘要: 针对增强型共源共栅(Cascode)结构GaN HEMT器件,利用5 MeV、60 MeV和300 MeV质子进行注量为2×1012~1×1014 cm−2的辐照实验,研究高能质子辐照后器件电学性能的退化规律和损伤机制。实验发现,注量为2×1012 cm−2的5 MeV质子辐照后,器件阈值电压明显减小,跨导峰位负漂且峰值跨导减小,饱和漏极电流显著增加,栅泄露电流无明显变化,当辐照注量达到1×1013 cm−2后,电学性能退化受到抑制并趋于饱和。分析认为Cascode结构GaN HEMT器件内部级联硅基MOS管的存在是导致辐照后阈值电压负漂和漏极电流增大的内在原因。结合低频噪声测试分析,发现质子辐照注量越高,器件噪声功率谱密度越大,表明辐照引入的缺陷就越多,辐照损伤越严重。与60 MeV和300 MeV质子辐照结果相比,5 MeV质子辐照后器件电学特性退化最为严重。利用SRIM仿真得到GaN材料受到质子辐照后产生的空位情况,结果显示质子入射能量越低,产生的空位数量越多(镓空位VGa占主导),器件电学特性退化就越显著。
  • 图  1  TP65H035WS器件结构示意图及开封前后器件光学图像

    Figure  1.  Structure diagram of the TP65H035WS device and optical images of the device before and after decapsulation

    图  2  实验器件辐照前I-V特性曲线及辐照实验条件流程图

    Figure  2.  I-V characteristic curves of experimental devices before irradiation and flow chart of irradiation experimental condition

    图  3  不同注量的5 MeV质子辐照前后GaN HEMT器件特性变化曲线

    Figure  3.  Characteristic change curves of GaN HEMT devices before and after 5 MeV proton irradiation under different doses

    图  4  不同注量的5 MeV质子辐照后GaN HEMT器件电参数变化柱状图

    Figure  4.  Electrical parameter change histogram of GaN HEMT devices after irradiation at different doses of 5 MeV proton

    图  5  不同注量的5 MeV质子辐照前后器件的归一化漏极电流噪声功率谱密度Sid与频率的关系

    Figure  5.  Normalized drain current noise power spectral density Sid as a function of frequency before and after 5 MeV proton irradiation at different doses

    图  6  60 MeV和300 MeV质子辐照前后GaN HEMT器件转移特性与输出特性曲线

    Figure  6.  Transfer characteristic and output characteristic curves of GaN HEMT devices before and after 60 MeV and 300 MeV proton irradiation

    图  7  不同能量质子辐照在5 μm GaN材料中的碰撞事件

    Figure  7.  Collision events in 5 μm GaN material under different energies proton irradiation

    图  8  不同能量质子辐照在GaN材料中产生的空位浓度与辐照注量的关系

    Figure  8.  Vacancies concentrations in the GaN material created by different energy proton irradiation as a function of proton doses

    表  1  器件电学参数与质子辐照能量的依赖性(注量:2×1012 cm−2)

    Table  1.   Energy-dependent changes of device electrical parameters after proton irradiation (dose:2×1012 cm−2)

    proton energy/MeV Vth/V Gm,max/S Ids@Vds=1.5 V, Vgs=6 V/(A)
    pre-irradiation 4.8±0.2 18.8±0.2 37±0.3
    5 1.1 12.1 53.8
    60 4.64 18.8 43.4
    300 4.73 18.2 39.6
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  • 收稿日期:  2024-07-09
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