Compact Marx generator-based pulse power source
摘要: 为降低脉冲功率源使用门槛,设计并实现了一种基于Marx发生器的紧凑型脉冲功率源:Marx发生器为7级单极性充电同轴结构,采用低电感陶瓷电容、紫外光预电离输出窄脉冲;使用可调初级高压电源和2路同步触发开关,金属外壳作为接地屏蔽与放电回路;发生器内部充填高气压N2。基于上述设计获得的脉冲功率源在充电电压26 kV、充气0.3 MPa时,在60 Ω负载上获得了前沿33 ns、脉宽59 ns、幅度109.2 kV的高电压脉冲;功率源封装在一个直径0.2 m、长1.1 m的铝合金圆筒内。为紧凑型、模块化脉冲功率源的实现提供了设计思路和参考样机,可用于闪光X射线照相驱动源。Abstract: To reduce the threshold of using pulse power source, a compact pulse power source based on Marx generator is designed and implemented. The Marx generator is a 7-stage unipolar charging coaxial structure with low inductance ceramic capacitor and ultraviolet preionization output narrow pulse. It uses adjustable primary high voltage power supply and 2-way synchronous trigger switch, and metal shell as grounding shield and discharge circuit; it is filled with high pressure N2. Using the power source based on the above design, when the charging voltage is 26 kV and the charging voltage is 0.3 MPa, the high voltage pulse of 33 ns rise time, 59 ns pulse width and 109.2 kV amplitude is obtained on the 60 Ω load. The power source is housed in an aluminum alloy cylinder with a diameter of 0.2 m and a length of 1.1m. This paper provides a design idea and a reference prototype for compact and modular pulse power source, which can be used as flash X-ray radiography drive source.
Key words:
- Marx generator /
- gas switch /
- compact type /
- pulsed power source
表 1 各充气压力下电压与转换效率
Table 1. Voltage and conversion efficiency at each inflation pressure
inflation type number Ui/kV Uo/kV η 0.1 MPa air 1 5.5 23.4 0.610 2 6.0 25.5 0.608 3 6.5 27.6 0.607 4 7.0 29.9 0.612 0.1 MPa N2 1 14.0 63.2 0.645 2 15.0 68.4 0.651 3 16.0 71.3 0.637 4 17.0 77.7 0.653 0.2 MPa N2 1 19.0 82.0 0.617 2 20.0 86.4 0.617 3 21.0 91.6 0.623 4 22.0 95.3 0.619 0.3 MPa N2 1 25.0 106.9 0.611 2 26.0 109.2 0.600 3 27.0 114.3 0.605 4 28.0 119.6 0.610 -
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