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石英彤 徐航 徐金强 黄森林

石英彤, 徐航, 徐金强, 等. 高亮度电子源驱动激光研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2025, 37: 021001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240261
引用本文: 石英彤, 徐航, 徐金强, 等. 高亮度电子源驱动激光研究进展[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2025, 37: 021001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240261
Shi Yingtong, Xu Hang, Xu Jinqiang, et al. Research progress on high-brightness electron source drive laser system[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2025, 37: 021001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240261
Citation: Shi Yingtong, Xu Hang, Xu Jinqiang, et al. Research progress on high-brightness electron source drive laser system[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2025, 37: 021001. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240261


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240261
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(12175251)



    徐 航,xuhang@pku.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TN248.1

Research progress on high-brightness electron source drive laser system

  • 摘要: 光阴极电子源是先进加速器装置最为关键的部件,驱动激光的品质参数是电子源性能的首要决定因素。近年来,电子加速器装置的束流指标不断提升,要求驱动激光具备高功率、高稳定性等特点和时空分布调控的功能,这对驱动激光系统的放大、选频、倍频、时空整形等模块提出了更高的需求。国内外主要研究机构根据其电子源的需求采用了相应的技术路线,在重复频率、激光波长、单脉冲能量和时空分布整形等方面各有特点。本文介绍了高亮度电子源驱动激光的主要技术路线和国内外发展现状,分析了典型的驱动激光方案,并讨论了驱动激光系统的未来发展趋势,以期为相关装置的规划和建设提供参考。
  • 图  1  SuperKEKB Yb/Nd驱动激光系统[15]

    Figure  1.  SuperKEKB Yb/Nd drive laser system[15]

    图  2  FLASH驱动激光系统[28]

    Figure  2.  FLASH drive laser system[28]

    图  3  PULSE结构示意图[26]

    Figure  3.  Structure of PULSE[26]

    图  4  PULSE放大器输出特性[26]

    Figure  4.  Output characteristics of PULSE amplifier[26]

    图  5  PULSE脉冲选择示意图[26]

    Figure  5.  Schematic of the pulse picking in PULSE[26]

    图  6  Cornell ERL驱动激光系统放大器[19]

    Figure  6.  Schematic of the rod fiber amplifier in Cornell ERL drive laser system[19]

    图  7  Cornell ERL驱动激光放大器输出特性[19]

    Figure  7.  Output characteristics of the drive laser amplifier at Cornell ERL[19]

    图  8  Cornell ERL驱动激光绿光输出特性[19]

    Figure  8.  Green laser output characteristics of Cornell ERL drive laser system[19]

    图  9  不同纵向分布对应的切片发射度与电流分布[54]

    Figure  9.  Slice emittance of optimized electron bunches for various profiles of photocathode pulses and beam current profiles[54]

    图  10  FERMI时间整形模块[58]

    Figure  10.  UV pulse shaping optical scheme at FERMI[58]

    图  11  脉冲堆叠前互相关测量脉宽和堆叠后脉宽[17]

    Figure  11.  Temporal intensity distribution of the incident laser and the output laser of incoherent stacking[17]

    图  12  PULSE相干整形模块[33]

    Figure  12.  Optical layout of the multiple birefringent crystal shaper used for PULSE[33]

    图  13  相干整形生成的脉冲实验测量与理论模拟结果[33]

    Figure  13.  Results of both the measured and the calculated pulse profiles after the shaper[33]

    图  14  SwissFEL空间整形与传输系统[30]

    Figure  14.  Beam transport and transverse beam profiles along the beam line at SwissFEL[30]

    图  15  DOE整形前后的光斑图形[15]

    Figure  15.  UV laser beam spatial distributions without and with the application of DOE[15]

    图  16  基于零色散压缩器和SLM的3D整形装置[65]

    Figure  16.  Schematic diagram of 3D shaper of laser pulse intensity distribution based on zero-dispersion compressor and SLM[65]

    图  17  3D整形激光产生的0.5 nC电子束分布[54]

    Figure  17.  Distribution of a 0.5 nC electron beam generated by 3D-shaped lasers[54]

    图  18  CBG的衍射效率与反射率分布[67]

    Figure  18.  Diffraction efficiency and reflection coefficient of the 3D CBG aperture[67]

    图  19  EuXFEL注入器布局图[16]

    Figure  19.  Injector building layout at EuXFEL[16]

    图  20  PULSE相干整形随时间和温度变化的稳定性[33]

    Figure  20.  Stability of PULSE multiple birefringent crystal shaper with respect to temporal and temperature variations[33]

    表  1  典型装置Ⅰ类放大器输出参数

    Table  1.   Output parameters of class Ⅰ amplifiers in typical facilities

    facility amplifier center wavelength/nm pulse energy/mJ repetition rate/Hz
    SXFEL Ti:sapphire 800.0 10.0 10/50
    HALF Ti:sapphire 800.0 13.0 1~100
    TTX Ti:sapphire 800.0 200.0 10
    SAPS Ti:sapphire 800.0 13.0 1~100
    PAL-XFEL Ti:sapphire 770.0 20.8 120
    FERMI Ti:sapphire 783.0 18.0 50
    SwissFEL Yb:CaF2 1 041.3 2.4 10
    SuperKEKB Yb-doped fiber/Nd:YAG hybrid 1 064.0 20.0 1~25
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    表  2  典型装置Ⅱ类放大器输出参数

    Table  2.   Output parameters of class Ⅱ amplifiers in typical facilities

    facility amplifier center wavelength/nm pulse energy/μJ repetition rate/MHz
    FLASH Yb-doped fiber/Yb:YAG hybrid 1030 180 1
    EuXFEL Nd:YVO4 1064 50 0.5/1.13/2.25/4.5
    LCLS-II Yb-doped fiber 1030 50 0~0.929
    DC-SRF-II Yb-doped fiber 1030 20 1
    S3FEL Yb-doped fiber 1030 50 1
    SHINE Yb-doped fiber 1030 150 1
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    表  3  典型装置Ⅲ类放大器输出参数

    Table  3.   Output parameters of class Ⅲ amplifiers in typical facilities

    facility amplifier center wavelength/nm average power/W repetition rate/MHz
    Cornell-ERL Yb-doped fiber 1040 167.0 1300
    PAPS Yb-doped fiber 1030 116.3 81.25/100/1300
    KEK-ERL Yb-doped fiber (solid-state oscillator) 1064 50.0 1300
    DC-SRF-II Yb-doped fiber 1030 99.3 81.25
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    表  4  典型装置倍频模块输出参数

    Table  4.   Output parameters of harmonic generation module in typical facilities

    facility frequency conversion method crystal center wavelength/nm pulse energy repetition rate
    FLASH FHG LBO+BBO 257.5 6.1 μJ/11.2 μJ 1 MHz
    LCLS-II FHG BBO 257.5 300 nJ 0~0.929 MHz
    S3FEL FHG BBO 257.5 2 μJ 1 MHz
    SHINE FHG LBO+BBO 257.5 2 μJ 1 MHz
    SwissFEL FHG BBO 260 600 μJ 10 Hz
    EuXFEL FHG LBO+BBO 266 5 μJ 4.5 MHz
    SuperKEKB FHG BBO 266 1 mJ 25 Hz
    TTX THG BBO 266.7 1 mJ 10 Hz
    SXFEL THG BBO 266.7 1.2 mJ 10 Hz/50 Hz
    HALF THG BBO 266.7 2 mJ 1~100 Hz
    SAPS THG BBO 266.7 2 mJ 1~100 Hz
    FERMI THG BBO 261 2.3 mJ 50 Hz
    DC-SRF-II SHG LBO 515 2 μJ/170 nJ 1 MHz/81.25 MHz
    Cornell-ERL SHG LBO 520 95 nJ 1.3 GHz
    KEK-ERL SHG LBO 532 0.77 nJ 1.3 GHz
    PAPS SHG LBO 515 492 nJ 81.25 MHz
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