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魏嘉欣 郝建红 赵强 范杰清 张芳 薛碧曦 董志伟

魏嘉欣, 郝建红, 赵强, 等. 空间GaAs太阳能电池辐照损伤效应模拟研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240272
引用本文: 魏嘉欣, 郝建红, 赵强, 等. 空间GaAs太阳能电池辐照损伤效应模拟研究[J]. 强激光与粒子束. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240272
Wei Jiaxin, Hao Jianhong, Zhao Qiang, et al. Simulation study on radiation damage effects of GaAs solar cells in space[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240272
Citation: Wei Jiaxin, Hao Jianhong, Zhao Qiang, et al. Simulation study on radiation damage effects of GaAs solar cells in space[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240272


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240272
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(12305218)



    赵 强,zhaoq.@iapcm.ac.cn

  • 中图分类号: O57

Simulation study on radiation damage effects of GaAs solar cells in space

  • 摘要: 航天器在轨服役期间长期处于复杂恶劣的空间辐射环境,以GaAs为代表的III-V族化合物太阳能电池因具备高光电转换效率和抗辐照能力而被广泛应用于航天领域。采用有限元法,基于计算机辅助设计技术(TCAD)对GaAs太阳能电池的空间辐照损伤效应进行了研究。以AM0光谱辐照下的GaAs太阳能电池电学参数为依据,建立了单结太阳能电池结构模型和辐照损伤模型,获得了在不同电子辐照条件下电池的伏安特性曲线,结合已有实验结果验证了本文模拟结果,分析了空间环境辐照下GaAs太阳能电池电学性能退化规律。结果表明,辐照损伤缺陷使得少数载流子扩散长度减小,降低了光生载流子的收集效率,在一定电子能量下,太阳能电池电学性能的退化幅度随辐照注量水平的提高而增大。
  • 图  1  GaAs太阳能电池结构示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the structure of GaInP/GaAs/Ge solar cells

    图  2  仿真与Silvaco TCAD模拟I-V曲线对比

    Figure  2.  Comparison of I-V curves between simulation and Silvaco Atlas simulation

    图  3  GaAs太阳能电池不同注量γ辐照下的I-V特性曲线

    Figure  3.  I-V characteristic curve of GaAs solar cells with different fluences levels γ irradiation

    图  4  仿真与Silvaco Atlas模拟I-V曲线对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of I-V curves between simulation and Silvaco Atlas simulation

    表  1  电池材料参数设置

    Table  1.   Solar cell material parameter settings

    parameter temperature/K electron
    hole mobility/
    bandgap/eV conduction band
    300 4.07 8800 400 1.424 4.7×1017
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    valence band
    permittivity optical recombination
    SRH recombination
    electron lifetime/s
    SRH recombination
    hole lifetime/s
    9×1018 12.9 1.8×10−10 4.5×10−9 2×10−8
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    表  2  辐照后电池产生电子陷阱和空穴陷阱参数[6]

    Table  2.   Electron and hole trap parameters generated by irradiated solar cells [6]

    electron traps in base hole traps in emitter
    Et/eV Nt/cm−3 Sn/cm−2 Et/eV Nt/cm−3 Sp/cm−2
    1×1014 Ec−0.14 1.8×1013 5.7×10−13 Ev+0.71 3.0×1012 2.2×10−13
    Ec−0.41 8.2×1012 2.6×10−13
    Ec−0.71 7.0×1012 8.3×10−13
    Ec−0.90 8.8×1011 3.0×10−11
    1×1015 Ec−0.41 3.0×1013 2.6×10−13 Ev+0.13 2.2×1014 2.6×10−13
    Ec−0.71 1.7×1013 8.3×10−13 Ev+0.29 4.0×1014 2.6×10−13
    Ec−0.90 2.8×1013 3.0×10−11 Ev+0.35 8.0×1013 7.2×10−15
    Ev+0.71 6.4×1013 2.2×10−13
    1×1016 Ec−0.41 8.8×1013 2.6×10−13 Ev+0.13 8.4×1014 2.6×10−13
    Ec−0.71 5.0×1013 8.3×10−13 Ev+0.29 1.6×1015 2.6×10−13
    Ec−0.90 6.5×1014 3.0×10−11 Ev+0.35 1.0×1015 7.2×10−15
    Ev+0.71 2.7×1014 2.2×10−13
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    表  3  模拟和实验GaAs太阳能电池电学特性的比较

    Table  3.   Comparison of electrical characteristics between simulated and experimental GaAs solar cells

    Isc/mA Voc/V pmax/(mW/cm2) fill factor ŋ/%
    simulation 26.51 0.9968 23.19 0.8774 17.14
    experiment 21.25 0.7800 15.70
    Silvaco TCAD 26.44 0.9960 21.67 0.8230 16.48
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    表  4  不同注量水平下1 MeV 次级电子辐照后GaAs电池电学特性变化

    Table  4.   1 MeV at different fluence levels changes in electrical characteristics of GaAs solar cells after irradiation

    Isc/mA Voc/V Pmax/(mW/cm2) fill factor ŋ/%
    pre-radiation 26.51 0.9968 23.19 0.8774 17.14
    fluence level/(e/cm2) 1×1014 24.84 0.9789 20.82 0.8562 15.39
    1×1015 21.44 0.9175 15.83 0.8045 11.70
    1×1016 17.25 0.8805 12.08 0.7956 8.931
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    表  5  模拟和实验GaAs太阳能电池电学特性归一化值的比较

    Table  5.   Comparison of normalized value of electrical characteristics between simulated and experimental GaAs solar cells

    fluence level/(e/cm2) parameter Isc/mA Voc/V Pmax/(mW/cm2) fill factor ŋ/%
    1×1014 simulation 0.937 0.982 20.82 0.8562 15.39
    experiment 0.94 0.96 20 0.78 15.1
    difference 1(%) 0.319 2.29 0.041 9.76 1.92
    silvaco TCAD 0.936 0.973 19.50 0.814 14.83
    difference 2(%) 0.106 0.924 6.76 5.18 3.77
    1×1015 simulation 0.808 0.920 15.83 0.8045 11.70
    experiment 0.82 0.91 16 0.77 11.8
    difference 1(%) 1.46 1.09 1.06 4.48 0.847
    silvaco TCAD 0.806 0.892 14.67 0.775 11.16
    difference 2(%) 0.248 3.13 7.90 3.80 4.83
    1×1016 simulation 0.650 0.883 12.08 0.7956 8.931
    experiment 0.60 0.84 11.25 0.76 8.3
    difference 1(%) 8.33 5.11 7.37 4.68 7.60
    silvaco TCAD 0.648 0.846 10.98 0.766 8.35
    difference 2(%) 0.308 4.37 10.0 3.86 6.95
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