Construction and evaluation method of unmanned aerial vehicle faults simulation dataset
摘要: 无人机系统复杂且故障模式多样,对其可靠性、稳定性和安全性提出了一定的挑战。针对无人机故障数据样本集缺乏且不完备的问题,采用预设故障注入法构建了无人机故障模拟数据集。故障模拟数据集基于偏差故障、漂移故障、锁死故障和缩放故障四种故障描述模型,实现了无人机正常状态、执行器故障和传感器故障的等效模拟,并进一步通过深度学习网络评测数据集。仿真结果表明:WDCNN、ResNet和QCNN三种深度学习网络均验证了本文故障模拟数据集构建方法及数据集的有效性和完备性。从故障诊断精确度指标来看,WDCNN达到82%以上,ResNet达到90%以上,QCNN达到92%以上,提出的方法为基于数据驱动的无人机故障诊断研究提供了一个较为完备的数据集及评测方法。Abstract: The complexity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems and the diversity of their fault modes present significant challenges to their reliability, stability, and safety. To address the issue of incomplete fault UAV data samples, a fault simulation dataset was constructed using a predefined fault injection method. This dataset is based on four models of faults: bias faults, drift faults, lock faults, and scale faults, allowing equivalent simulation of the drone in fault-free states, actuator failures, and sensor failures. Furthermore, the dataset was evaluated using deep learning networks. Simulation results demonstrate that the three deep learning architectures—WDCNN, ResNet, and QCNN—validate the completeness and effectiveness of the construction method and the fault simulation dataset in this paper. In terms of precision, WDCNN achieved over 82%, ResNet exceeded 90%, and QCNN surpassed 92%. The methods proposed in this study provides a complete dataset and evaluation method for data-driven research on UAV fault diagnosis.
Key words:
- fault diagnosis /
- unmanned aerial vehicle system /
- fault dataset /
- data driven /
- deep learning
表 1 数据集选定参数
Table 1. Selected state parameters of dataset
No. variable No. variable 1 north velocity 14 pitch velocity 2 east velocity 15 yaw velocity 3 down velocity 16 motor 1 4 acceleration x-component 17 motor 2 5 acceleration y-component 18 motor 3 6 acceleration z-component 19 motor 4 7 roll angle 20 absolute pressure 8 pitch angle 21 differential pressure 9 yaw angle 22 pressure altitude 10 x magnetic field (Gaussian) 23 channel pitch input 11 y magnetic field (Gaussian) 24 channel roll input 12 z magnetic field (Gaussian) 25 channel throttle input 13 roll velocity 26 channel yaw input 表 2 故障类型及其对应的标签和样本数量
Table 2. Fault types with their corresponding labels and sample size
label fault mode sample size label fault mode sample size C0 health 340 850 C4 roll rate bias fault (sensor) 284 932 C1 40% reduction in efficiency (single actuator) 245 180 C5 roll rate lock fault (sensor) 226 528 C2 bias fault (single actuator) 242 898 C6 roll rate scale fault (sensor) 258 065 C3 40% reduction in efficiency (dual actuator) 254 984 C7 roll rate drift fault (sensor) 236 403 表 3 混淆矩阵
Table 3. Confusion matrix
reference positive prediction negative prediction positive true positive (TP) false negative (FN) negative false positive (FP) true negative (TN) 表 4 3种模型在测试集上的故障诊断结果
Table 4. Fault diagnosis performance of the three models on the test set
model accuracy precision recall WDCNN 0.769 1 0.828 1 0.769 1 ResNet 0.888 4 0.901 0 0.888 4 QCNN 0.918 3 0.928 0 0.918 3 表 5 3种模型在不同故障类型下的性能表现
Table 5. Performance of three compared models on each fault type
fault mode precision recall F1 score precision recall F1 score precision recall F1 score WDCNN ResNet QCNN C0 0.605 1 0.973 0.746 2 0.883 3 0.492 0.632 0 0.891 8 0.981 0.934 3 C1 0.944 0 0.792 0.861 3 0.946 0 0.788 0.859 8 0.739 1 0.949 0.831 0 C2 0.917 5 0.089 0.162 3 0.964 7 0.983 0.973 7 0.977 6 0.612 0.752 8 C3 0.954 4 0.901 0.927 0 0.772 4 0.906 0.833 9 0.884 3 0.902 0.893 1 C4 0.302 8 0.437 0.357 8 0.685 2 0.947 0.795 1 0.966 1 0.913 0.938 8 C5 1.000 0 0.982 0.990 9 1.000 0 1.000 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1.000 0 C6 1.000 0 0.999 0.999 5 1.000 0 1.000 1.000 0 1.000 0 1.000 1.000 0 C7 0.900 7 0.980 0.938 7 0.9566 0.991 0.973 5 0.964 9 0.989 0.9768 -
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