Experimient and optimization of laser cavity in high-recovity pressure chemical laser
摘要: 利用已有的激光器试车台进行了不同质量流率的DF激光器恢复压力试验。当质量流率达到2.475 g·s−1·cm−2时,注入副气流D2及He后激射腔压力异常升高,激射腔内部存在热堵。建立DF激光器激射腔与扩压器仿真分析模型,结合DF激光器反应机理,对有无热反应的激射腔及扩压器通道的流场进行了仿真分析。分析结果显示,不考虑热反应的激射腔内部流场通畅、考虑真实气体反应放热效应时,激射腔内静压迅速抬升,出现热堵,且热堵现象集中在激射腔入口段,与试验结果吻合。根据仿真分析结果,优化了激射腔设计,进行了DF激光器试验研究。结果显示,优化后的激射腔热堵问题得到解决,质量流率2.475 g·s−1·cm−2时,激光器实现了背压22 kPa直排。Abstract: To research the recoverey pressure of DF laser, experiments were carried out with different mass flowrate on a test bench. Thermal blockage was discovered when the mass flowrate reached 2.475 g·s−1·cm−2. The simulation model of laser cavity and diffuser was established, and the flow fluid was obtained. The simulation showed that the cavity’s pressure rose up quickly when the mass flowrate was 2.475 g·s−1·cm−2, which is coincident with the experiment. The design was optimized based on the result of the simulation and the corresponding experiment was proceeded. The result shows that the thermal blockage was solved with the optimized laser cavity. The laser’s recovery pressure reached 22 kPa with mass flowrate 2.475 g·s−1·cm−2.
Key words:
- laser cavity /
- massflow rate /
- thermal blockage /
- diffuser
表 1 压力测点坐标及不同质量流率测量值
Table 1. Coordinate and value of the laser cavity’s pressure point
number of the
test pointdistance between the pressure point
and inlet of the laser cavity/mmpressure/kPa with mass flowrate 1.65 g·s−1·cm−2 with mass flowrate 2.475 g·s−1·cm−2 1 6 0.9 2.5 2 58 2.3 4.1 3 138 4.3 7.3 4 347 4.3 5.2 5 607 4.5 6.8 表 2 激射腔仿真参数
Table 2. Simulation parameters of the laser cavity
mass flux/(g·s−1·cm−2) static pressure/kPa total temperature/K background
pressure/kPawithout heat with heat without heat with heat 2.475 0.9 2.5 800 900 3 表 3 型面优化前后激射腔测点压力值比较
Table 3. Contrast of the cavity’s pressure after the optimization
number of the test point pressure/kPa before the optimization after the optimization 1 2.5 1.3 2 4.1 2.9 3 7.3 3.9 4 5.2 5.4 5 6.8 6.2 -
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