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李金雪 魏士杰 邱雄飞 颜飞雪

李金雪, 魏士杰, 邱雄飞, 等. 高恢复压力激光器激射腔仿真优化及试验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2025, 37: 011002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240354
引用本文: 李金雪, 魏士杰, 邱雄飞, 等. 高恢复压力激光器激射腔仿真优化及试验[J]. 强激光与粒子束, 2025, 37: 011002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240354
Li Jinxue, Wei Shijie, Qiu Xiongfei, et al. Experimient and optimization of laser cavity in high-recovity pressure chemical laser[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2025, 37: 011002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240354
Citation: Li Jinxue, Wei Shijie, Qiu Xiongfei, et al. Experimient and optimization of laser cavity in high-recovity pressure chemical laser[J]. High Power Laser and Particle Beams, 2025, 37: 011002. doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240354


doi: 10.11884/HPLPB202537.240354


  • 中图分类号: V228.7

Experimient and optimization of laser cavity in high-recovity pressure chemical laser

  • 摘要: 利用已有的激光器试车台进行了不同质量流率的DF激光器恢复压力试验。当质量流率达到2.475 g·s−1·cm−2时,注入副气流D2及He后激射腔压力异常升高,激射腔内部存在热堵。建立DF激光器激射腔与扩压器仿真分析模型,结合DF激光器反应机理,对有无热反应的激射腔及扩压器通道的流场进行了仿真分析。分析结果显示,不考虑热反应的激射腔内部流场通畅、考虑真实气体反应放热效应时,激射腔内静压迅速抬升,出现热堵,且热堵现象集中在激射腔入口段,与试验结果吻合。根据仿真分析结果,优化了激射腔设计,进行了DF激光器试验研究。结果显示,优化后的激射腔热堵问题得到解决,质量流率2.475 g·s−1·cm−2时,激光器实现了背压22 kPa直排。
  • 图  1  DF化学激光器试车台

    Figure  1.  DF chemical laser’s test bench

    图  2  激射腔仿真模型图

    Figure  2.  Laser cavity’s simulation model

    图  3  无放热反应激射腔不同截面马赫数云图

    Figure  3.  Ma contour of different planes without thermal reaction

    图  4  带放热反应激射腔不同截面马赫数云图

    Figure  4.  Ma contour of different planes with thermal reaction

    图  5  激射腔优化型面与原型面对比图

    Figure  5.  Optimization of laser cavity

    表  1  压力测点坐标及不同质量流率测量值

    Table  1.   Coordinate and value of the laser cavity’s pressure point

    number of the
    test point
    distance between the pressure point
    and inlet of the laser cavity/mm
    with mass flowrate 1.65 g·s−1·cm−2 with mass flowrate 2.475 g·s−1·cm−2
    1 6 0.9 2.5
    2 58 2.3 4.1
    3 138 4.3 7.3
    4 347 4.3 5.2
    5 607 4.5 6.8
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    表  2  激射腔仿真参数

    Table  2.   Simulation parameters of the laser cavity

    mass flux/(g·s−1·cm−2)static pressure/kPatotal temperature/Kbackground
    without heatwith heatwithout heatwith heat
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    表  3  型面优化前后激射腔测点压力值比较

    Table  3.   Contrast of the cavity’s pressure after the optimization

    number of the test point pressure/kPa
    before the optimization after the optimization
    1 2.5 1.3
    2 4.1 2.9
    3 7.3 3.9
    4 5.2 5.4
    5 6.8 6.2
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