Influence of isolation element in trigger circuit on synchronization of multiple switches
摘要: 对于数十个基本放电支路并联同步放电的直线变压器驱动源(LTD)模块,触发隔离元件直接影响高功率气体开关的触发导通同步性,进而对整个LTD模块输出性能产生影响。为了优化选择触发隔离元件类型及参数,针对电阻及电感两种隔离方式进行了计算分析和实验对比。结果表明,电感隔离效果优于电阻隔离,同时对于不同的隔离电感参数,5 μH隔离电感下LTD模块输出结果相对最好。Abstract: Multiple switches need to be triggered in parallel in a linear transformer driver (LTD) cavity where tens of bricks connect in parallel and switch-to-switch isolation is necessary. The lack of transient isolation will result in poor tolerance to switch jitter which manifests as increased probability of late-firing switches and further affect the output performance of LTD cavity. To optimize the type and parameter of the isolation element, the resistive and inductive isolation modes were compared in circuit simulation and experiments. The results show that the inductive isolation has better effect than resistive isolation both for synchronization of switches and the load voltage of LTD cavity. Among the inductors with different inductance, the 5 μH inductor has the best output data.
Key words:
- linear transformer driver /
- gas spark switch /
- trigger /
- jitter /
- output voltage
表 1 不同触发隔离电阻和电感下未导通开关触发极电压脉冲幅值和上升沿
Table 1. Voltage amplitude and rise time on trigger electrode of unclosed switch for different isolation inductance or resistance
resistance/Ω inductance/μH voltage amplitude/kV rise time/ns two switches keep opening one switch is closed two switches keep opening one switch is closed 150 176.0 89.5 25.5 28.8 300 176.0 123.5 27.2 28.0 450 175.7 138.9 29.8 31.5 600 175.2 146.0 32.6 32.6 1 174.5 108.8 12.9 8.8 3 213.6 146.8 16.6 13.3 5 236.6 176.9 19.8 16.7 7 251.4 198.5 22.0 19.4 表 2 不同隔离元件类型及参数下气体开关及LTD模块工作性能对比
Table 2. Comparison of gas switches and LTD cavity performances for different isolation element
resistance/Ω inductance/μH work ratio of switch/% switch jitter/ns range of time delay/ns load voltage of LTD cavity/kV 150 70 2.1 7.6 81.8 65 2.7 9.0 81.5 60 3.9 14.2 81.0 55 9.0 43.7 77.8 300 70 1.9 6.8 81.5 65 2.8 10.4 81.1 60 3.8 14.0 80.6 55 9.0 38.6 78.7 550 70 1.8 6.0 81.8 65 2.0 6.6 81.6 60 3.3 13.2 80.7 55 8.0 33.4 79.4 3 70 1.7 5.8 81.9 65 1.8 5.6 81.8 60 2.1 7.2 81.5 55 3.9 16.4 80.6 5 70 1.8 5.6 81.9 65 1.8 5.8 81.8 60 1.9 6.8 81.4 55 2.5 8.6 81.2 7 70 1.8 5.8 81.8 65 1.9 5.4 81.6 60 2.0 7.2 81.3 55 3.2 14.8 80.7 -
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