Design and implementation of one key on/off program at the accelerator of CSNS
摘要: 中国散裂中子源加速器上有几百套电源和高频设备。每次开关机过程都要通过操作二十多个控制界面来完成这几百台设备的开关机流程,过程繁琐,耗时较多,容易出错且很难发现。为了简化开关机流程和避免人为错误发生,开发了一套一键开关机程序。该程序将分散于二十多个界面的所有硬件设备开关机操作集成到一个界面中,同时将每个硬件开关机流程抽象为单独线程,界面上一键操作,使用多线程并发完成所有设备的开关机操作。该程序实现了运行模式状态的一键存储和恢复,能够一键完成整个加速器的开关机流程,将原来耗时40 min的开关机流程压缩到约2 min完成,提升了操作效率,很好地满足了中国散裂中子源加速器运行需求。该程序具有一定的通用性,可以在其它装置推广应用。
- CSNS /
- 控制系统 /
- 实验物理与工业控制系统 /
- 一键开关机 /
- 模式存储和恢复
Abstract: There are hundreds of electric power supplies and radio frequency equipment in the accelerator of CSNS. Operations of these devices are executed through twenty-odd operator interfaces, which are time-consuming and cumbersome. During these processes, breakdowns are easy to occur but difficult to debug. To simplify the machine operation process, a one-key-on/off-operation program is developed. This program integrates the twenty-odd operator interfaces into a single one. The switch on/off operation of every device is realized in a thread, and the program completes the operation of all the devices concurrently. This program accomplishes the machine snapshot save/restore and the switch on/off operation of all the electric power supplies and radio frequency equipment through a one-button operation in the operator interface. With this program, the time needed to switch on/off all the devices in the machine is reduced from forty minutes to about two minutes. This program could be applied to other facilities. -
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